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Haiti Daughters of Charity Thank You

Haiti Daughters of Charity Thank You 289 269 Lori Pattison

Dear Benefactor Friends,

We are entering a new liturgical year, inviting us to reflect on the great mystery of God, who leans toward humanity by sending His Son, Jesus, made man, to give us the fullness of true life. Pope Francis is proposing a year of prayer and a journey of hope for the Holy Year 2025. The Advent season is a time of Hope, grounded in faith in God, who is love. The most beautiful proof of this love is the Father sending Jesus and Jesus’ self-gift on the cross for the salvation of humanity. Let us be pilgrims of hope, following in Christ’s footsteps and, in imitation of Him, proclaim to our brothers and sisters the boundless love of His heart.

This past year has brought many blessings and challenges to our land of Haiti, where we are witnessing the exodus of a people sinking deeper into social instability. Yet, this people lives in hope, believing that one day the light will shine brightly!

Let us pray for all the children, youth, adults, and elderly who live in suffering and uncertainty. Our presence among them is a sign of hope, supporting their daily efforts. Let us be attentive to our brothers and sisters around us, offering them a word, a gesture of closeness, or material aid. For them, these are manifestations of God’s tenderness, bending to hear the cries of the afflicted.

Your timely contributions in aid of Haiti are not in vain. On the contrary, they are drops of water that increase the sea of solidarity with this people.

Dear Benefactor Friends, be assured of our prayers for you and for all your loved ones. Receive the best wishes of our brothers and sisters living in poverty for the Christmas and New Year celebrations.

May God fill you with grace and blessings forever.

The Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul



Chers Amis bienfaiteurs.

Nous voici à une nouvelle année liturgique qui nous invite à réfléchir sur le grand mystère de Dieu qui se penche sur l`humanité en envoyant son Fils Jésus fait homme pour nous donner la plénitude de la vraie vie. Le Pape François nous propose une année de prière et un parcours d`espérance pour l`année sainte 2025. Le temps de l`Avent est le temps de l’Espérance fondée dans la foi en Dieu qui est amour. La preuve la plus belle de cet amour est l`envoi de Jésus par le Père et le don de Jésus sur la croix pour le salut des hommes. Soyons pèlerins d`espérance, mettons nos pas dans ceux du Christ et à son imitation, annonçons à nos frères et sœurs tout l`amour de son cœur.

Cette année qui s’achève, nous a porté pas mal de choses bonnes et moins bonnes dans notre terre d`Haïti où nous sommes en train de vivre un exode d’un peuple qui va de mal en pire dans une instabilité sociale ; et pourtant ce peuple vit dans l’espérance qu’un jour on verra briller la lumière !

Prions pour tous les enfants, les jeunes, adultes et personnes âgées qui vivent dans la souffrance et l`incertitude de vie. Notre présence au milieu d`eux est un signe d’espérance les soutenant dans leurs efforts quotidiens disant nos frères et sœurs qui vivent autour de nous. Leur offrir une parole, un geste de proximité, une aide matérielle est pour eux la tendresse de Dieu qui se penche aux cris des malheureux.

Votre apport ponctuel d’aide en faveur d`Haïti n`est pas vain, au contraire ce sont des gouttes d’eau qui font augmenter le volume de la mer de solidarité avec ce peuple.

Chers Amis bienfaiteurs, soyez assurés de nos prières pour vous et pour tous ceux qui vous sont chers ; Recevez les souhaits les meilleurs de nos frères et sœurs les pauvres pour les festivités de Noel et du nouvel An.

Que Dieu vous comble de grâce et de bénédictions à jamais.

Les Filles de la Charité de St Vincent de Paul


National Twinning Commission

National Twinning Commission 1080 1080 Jill Pioter


To support and promote twinning with other superior councils and to work collaboratively with other twinning partners (e.g. Superior Council of Canada)

Reports To

National President

Twinning Is

Fulfilling the preferential option for the poor, Twinning is the mutual exchange of resources, both spiritual and material, between Conferences and Councils — domestically, nationally, and internationally, so as to fulfill the vision of our Founders — that a network of charity, in fraternity and solidarity, encircle the whole world.

It is the awareness of acute poverty in a great number of countries and the Vincentian preferential option for the poor, spurs Conferences and Councils to assist others with fewer resources. The activity between two Conferences/Councils, a fundamental activity of the Society, is the expression of Vincentian fraternity and solidarity.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Promote and monitor twinning activities in the United States and in Superior Councils within America 1.
  • Work collaboratively with the International Territorial Vice President for America 1.
  • Maintain a database on all twinning activities in the U.S.
  • Provide semi-annual reports on twinning activities to the National Board of Directors.
  • Provide semi-annual reports to the International Twinning Commission.
  • Assure compliance with the U.S. government and other countries where funds are electronically transferred.
  • Prepare and maintain a Twinning Policies and Procedures Manual consistent with that of the International Twinning Commission.
  • Meet periodically, as needed(via ZOOM, Mid-year and National).
  • Prepare an annual budget for the Twinning Commission.
  • Keep our twinning partners in our prayers.
  • Any other appropriate matters that may be requested by the National Board of Directors.

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