Vincentians across the United States embrace the pain of those who struggle to maintain the basic need of shelter on a daily basis. Providing resources around rent assistance, mortgage payments, and rapid rehousing programs, the Housing Task Force works with Conferences and Councils who assist neighbors in need by providing safe and affordable housing solutions.
“Peace is worth more than all worldly possessions.”
– St. Vincent de Paul

SVdP Housing – Archdiocese of Anchorage-Juneau
Permanent housing is the only solution to homelessness.
Vincentians across the United States accompany neighbors who struggle to maintain the basic needs of shelter daily. The Housing Task Force works with SVdP Conferences and Councils who assist neighbors in need by providing practical and affordable housing solutions.
No SVdP Council and Conference housing program are the same because every need in each community is different. That said, we will provide some guidance, tips, and best practices to help other Conferences and Councils think about homelessness solutions in their community as well as answering questions on housing issues you are facing.
As a general rule, if your council or conference has housing programs, you should be involved with your local Continuum of Care (CoC) so that your efforts are part of the community’s broader collaborative efforts to address the problem.
As your council or conference navigates the challenging issues surrounding housing, please use the task force to help answer your questions as you create programs for your neighbors in need. Check out the resources below and take advantage of our “Ask the Task Force” feature if you have specific questions.
Contact Us
Steve Uram
National Director of Poverty Programs
(314) 576-3993, ext. 215
Rebecca Kazdoy
Program Manager, Poverty Programs
(314) 576-3993, ext. 217