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03-28-24 Questions & Answers

03-28-24 Questions & Answers 1200 628 Jill Pioter

Q: Can Councils create endowment scholarships?

A: Endowments are permitted as long as they are funded by donations specifically for that purpose. Funds identified for service to those in need should not be used to build an endowment. An endowment campaign can be established to solicit funds specifically for the purpose desired.

Q: Can Conference officers consist of the President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer only, if no member accepts the Vice President appointment?

A: Conference officers (an elected President who appoints a Vice President(s), Secretary, and Treasurer) have no specific authority other than representation of the Conference and requirement to fulfill specific tasks. All decisions are made by the Active Members of the Conference as a whole. According to the Bylaws, there must be at least one Vice President; hence a member should step forward to serve as VP for a complete slate of officers. The Conference as well as the Council needs to know who will serve in the Presidential capacity should the elected President be unable to serve for any reason.


P: ¿Pueden los Consejos crear dotes para becas?

R: Las dotaciones están permitidas siempre y cuando sean financiadas por donaciones específicamente para ese propósito. Los fondos identificados para el servicio a los necesitados no deben usarse para construir una dotación. Se puede establecer una campaña de dotación para solicitar fondos específicamente para el propósito deseado.

P: ¿Pueden los funcionarios de la Conferencia estar formados únicamente por el Presidente electo, el Secretario y el Tesorero, si ningún miembro acepta el nombramiento del Vicepresidente?

R:  Los Oficiales de la Conferencia (un Presidente electo que nombra a un Vicepresidente, un Secretario y un Tesorero) no tienen autoridad específica más que la representación de la Conferencia y el requisito de cumplir con tareas específicas. Todas las decisiones son tomadas por los Miembros Activos de la Conferencia en su conjunto. De acuerdo con los estatutos, debe haber al menos un Vicepresidente, por lo tanto, un miembro debe dar un paso adelante para servir como Vicepresidente de una lista completa de funcionarios. Tanto la Conferencia como el Consejo necesitan saber quién desempeñará la Presidencia en caso de que el Presidente electo no pueda ejercer sus funciones por cualquier motivo.



Voice For the Poor Updates

Voice For the Poor Updates 1080 1080 Jill Pioter

Fellow Vincentians,

As the new Chair of the Voice for the Poor Committee, I wanted to update you on our work. First, the new National Council Board made a small name change and we are now the Voice FOR the Poor Committee. While our committee’s name changed slightly, our mission and focus remain the same.

The National Voice for The Poor Committee is charged with advocating on behalf of people in poverty, and with education and information-sharing to strengthen and grow Council and Conference involvement with advocating for policy solutions to local, state, and national leaders and legislators.

During the Midyear Meeting, the National Council Members approved the updated Human Trafficking position paper. One of our committee’s goals is to update the National Council’s position papers, and we would like to update two or three papers each year. We will seek input of other national committees, including Formation, not only to work collaboratively, but also, to make sure that Catholic Social Teaching is incorporated into all our position papers. You can find the position papers on our website.

Also at the Midyear Meeting, we introduced the updated Voice for the Poor Manual, a digital document that can be found and downloaded or printed from the National Council website. I also presented a session on how to start a Voice For the Poor committee and recorded a short video that introduces the Voice For the Poor that will be available for upcoming SVdP Regional Meetings.

Please stay tuned for many exciting Voice For the Poor updates.  You can find more information at https://members.ssvpusa.org/voice-of-the-poor/ or email us at vop@svdpusa.org.

In Christ,
Bobby Kinkela
Voice For the Poor Chair

P.S.  Don’t forget to make advocacy part of your regular Conference and Council meetings. Make it an agenda topic. I encourage you to invite your fellow Vincentians, parishioners, and friends to become advocates for their neighbors in need. Why? Because our neighbors in need deserve it! Sign up at https://ssvpusa.org/take-action. Thank you!


National Twinning Commission

National Twinning Commission 1080 1080 Jill Pioter


To support and promote twinning with other superior councils and to work collaboratively with other twinning partners (e.g. Superior Council of Canada)

Reports To

National President

Twinning Is

Fulfilling the preferential option for the poor, Twinning is the mutual exchange of resources, both spiritual and material, between Conferences and Councils — domestically, nationally, and internationally, so as to fulfill the vision of our Founders — that a network of charity, in fraternity and solidarity, encircle the whole world.

It is the awareness of acute poverty in a great number of countries and the Vincentian preferential option for the poor, spurs Conferences and Councils to assist others with fewer resources. The activity between two Conferences/Councils, a fundamental activity of the Society, is the expression of Vincentian fraternity and solidarity.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Promote and monitor twinning activities in the United States and in Superior Councils within America 1.
  • Work collaboratively with the International Territorial Vice President for America 1.
  • Maintain a database on all twinning activities in the U.S.
  • Provide semi-annual reports on twinning activities to the National Board of Directors.
  • Provide semi-annual reports to the International Twinning Commission.
  • Assure compliance with the U.S. government and other countries where funds are electronically transferred.
  • Prepare and maintain a Twinning Policies and Procedures Manual consistent with that of the International Twinning Commission.
  • Meet periodically, as needed(via ZOOM, Mid-year and National).
  • Prepare an annual budget for the Twinning Commission.
  • Keep our twinning partners in our prayers.
  • Any other appropriate matters that may be requested by the National Board of Directors.

2024 Committee Charges

2024 Committee Charges 1080 1080 Jill Pioter

Development & Communications Committee

The Development & Communications Committee is charged with raising the national profile of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul by leveraging the ideas, resources, and best practices of its members in fundraising, marketing, and communications. Through collaboration and learning, the Committee will develop the resources necessary to grow the Society’s works and pave the way for future growth.

Membership & Leadership Development Committee

The Membership and Leadership Development Committee is charged with defining best practices for membership growth, the onboarding process, spiritual enrichment, identifying and advancing Vincentian leadership in a society and Catholic church that is changing rapidly.

Multicultural Diversity Committee

The Multicultural Diversity Committee is charged with prayerfully creating an inclusive culture by means of researching, developing proposing ideas, and leading projects that will give each member of the Society the opportunity to contribute and express their charisms.

Vincentian Spiritual Growth and Enrichment Committees

Formation Committee

The Formation Committee supports the formation of members and leaders in the Society in the interconnected human, spiritual, intellectual, and ministerial dimensions of formation, as defined in the Society’s Foundation Document, and reflecting the fullness of Vincentian tradition. The Committee creates and provides:

  • Printed and digital materials
  • Presentations
  • Guidelines
  • Active nourishment to all members and leaders in the Society.

The Hispanic-Latino Formation Subcommittee defines priorities to properly support the Hispanic-Latino community in all aspects of Formation. The Committee will:

  • Define the necessary resources
  • Develop a plan at an accelerated pace
  • Create effective documentation, materials, and tools to ensure the intercultural expression of faith and language is reflected and emphasized
Formation Renewal & Delivery Committee

The Formation Renewal & Delivery Committee provides training and Formation, in partnership with local Councils, using existing methods, and finding new effective means and channels for the use of Formation materials and tools. The Committee supports Regions and Councils by:

  • Developing plans and schedules for teams and partnerships
  • Training those teams to make effective use of Formation materials
Spirituality Formation Committee

The Spirituality Formation Committee is focused on the spiritual dimension of formation, in order to encourage and support personal growth in every Vincentian’s relationship with God.
The Committee provides active nourishment to all members in:

  • Personal spiritual formation
  • Devotion
  • Prayer life

The Committee supports and encourages Spiritual Advisors and leaders by:

  • Developing materials for use in Councils and Conferences
  • Establishing direct channels of communications

Vincentian Programs & Services Committees

Poverty Action Committee

The Poverty Action Committee is charged with the coordination and collaboration among the National poverty programs and committees, the development of National poverty programs identified by the National Council Board, and with disseminating systemic change mentality among Society members to engage more Councils and Conferences in transformative initiatives that empower those we serve to make their way out of poverty to self-sufficiency.

National Voice For the Poor Committee

The National Voice For the Poor Committee is charged with advocating on behalf of people in poverty, and with education and information-sharing to strengthen and grow Council and Conferences’ involvement with advocating for policy solutions to local, state, and national leaders and legislators. The committee reports to the National Council President.

Homelessness Prevention Committee

The Homelessness Prevention Committee is charged with providing guidance and best practices in homelessness prevention and shelter diversion to Councils and Conferences, strengthening efforts to stop homelessness before it starts for those most at risk of losing their home.

Stores Committee

The Stores Committee is charged with helping paid and unpaid personnel to develop and maintain successful thrift stores, and with providing consulting services to Councils and Conferences that desire to start thrift stores.

Youth, Young Adults, and Emerging Leaders Committee

The Youth, Young Adults, and Emerging Leaders Committee is charged with growing young Vincentian leaders while ensuring that the spirit of our young founders is always present within the Society. This committee seeks to promote the formation, recruitment and engagement of young people, and the constant rejuvenation of the Vincentian Conferences both locally and nationally.

YYAEL will play a crucial role in identifying and developing individuals capable of leading with compassion, innovation, and dedication. Helping to support Youth, Young Adults, Emerging Leaders, and their coordinators, YYAEL will create opportunities, programs, and resources to support, connect, and train Youth, Young Adults, Emerging Leaders, and their coordinators, preparing them to integrate into the Society to lead, serve, and inspire generations to come.


03-21-24 Questions & Answers

03-21-24 Questions & Answers 1200 628 Jill Pioter

Q: I was told by my Conference that we do not help people with rent if they are on Section 8. Is this true, and if so, why not?

A: It has always been a part of the Rule that no form of charity is foreign to the Society. So, limiting the types of service we provide does not correspond with the Rule. There is no other authorization that prevents us from providing rental assistance to people living in Section 8 housing.

 Q: Is the Festival Celebration a mandatory event that the Conferences and/or Council must schedule during the calendar year?

A: The Rule, Part III, Statute 9 states: “Conferences and Councils celebrate liturgical ceremonies, particularly Vincentian ceremonies, throughout the year, endeavoring to maintain a spirit of friendship among the members. The Council of the United States has designated six days for religious observances. On these occasions, the members of Conferences and Councils demonstrate the spiritual nature of the Society by attending the Eucharist together:

  • Ozanam Sunday (the last Sunday of April)
  • The feast day of Blessed Frederic Ozanam (September 9)
  • The feast day of St. Vincent de Paul (September 27)
  • The Immaculate Conception, Patroness of the Society (December 8)
  • A Conference Mass celebrated at least once a year for all members, including spouses and children. During this Mass, it is most appropriate to commission new members into the Conference, pray for those we have visited, pray for our benefactors, pray for the poor, pray for the deceased members, and for continued good work.
  • Another feast day of local custom, e.g., December 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.”

The celebration of the festival days develops spirituality and fellowship among the members. It is also a sign of solidarity with all of the other members of the Society throughout the United States. It is not likely that any formal action will be taken if a festival day is not celebrated.


P: Mi Conferencia me dijo que no ayudamos a las personas con el alquiler si están en la Sección 8. ¿Es esto cierto y, si es así, por qué no?

R: Siempre ha sido parte de la Regla que ninguna forma de caridad es ajena a la Sociedad.  Por lo tanto, limitar los tipos de servicio que brindamos no va con lo que dice la Regla.  No hay ninguna otra cláusula que nos impida proporcionar asistencia para el alquiler a las personas que viven en viviendas de la Sección 8.

P: ¿Son las Celebraciones Festivas un evento obligatorio que las Conferencias y/o el Consejo deben programar durante el año calendario?

R: La Regla, Parte III, Estatuto 9 establece: “Las Conferencias y los Consejos celebran las ceremonias litúrgicas, en particular las ceremonias Vicentinas, durante todo el año, esforzándose por mantener un espíritu de amistad entre los miembros. El Consejo de los Estados Unidos ha designado seis días para las celebraciones religiosas. En estas ocasiones, los miembros de las Conferencias y Consejos demuestran la naturaleza espiritual de la Sociedad asistiendo juntos a la Eucaristía:

  • Domingo de Ozanam (el último domingo de abril)
  • Fiesta del Beato Federico Ozanam (9 de septiembre)
  • Fiesta de San Vicente de Paúl (27 de septiembre)
  • La Inmaculada Concepción, Patrona de la Sociedad (8 de diciembre)
  • Una Misa de Conferencia celebrada al menos una vez al año para todos los miembros, incluidos los cónyuges e hijos. Durante esta Misa, es muy apropiado comisionar a nuevos miembros a la Conferencia, orar por aquellos que hemos visitado, orar por nuestros benefactores, orar por los pobres, orar por los miembros fallecidos y para que continuemos con el buen trabajo.
  • Otra fiesta de costumbre local, por ejemplo, el 12 de diciembre, la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.

La celebración de los días festivos desarrolla la espiritualidad y el compañerismo entre los miembros.  También es una señal de solidaridad con todos los demás miembros de la Sociedad en todos los Estados Unidos.  No es probable que se tome ninguna medida formal si no se celebra una festividad.

Leveraging National Council Resources for State Advocacy

Leveraging National Council Resources for State Advocacy 903 903 Jill Pioter

As former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neil famously stated, “All politics is local.” This year, SVdP Councils in Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, and Michigan have utilized the National Council’s E-advocacy system Voter Voice to mobilize state advocates on homelessness, taxation, housing, and payday loans.

District Councils can make a big impact in their state legislature by mobilizing Vincentians to email their state legislators. We have seen success where local Councils are part of larger state coalitions that are vocal about a specific issue. Councils that work closely with their state Catholic Conferences on grassroots issues also see success.

In the four campaigns mentioned above, which last about 2 – 3 weeks each, have sent over 200 messages to state legislators and have resulted in 115 new advocates for St. Vincent de Paul. This was Georgia and Kentucky’s first foray into mobilizing advocates using Voter Voice, and their campaigns brought in the bulk of those 115 new advocates.

How do you get started?

State Diocesan/Archdiocesan presidents, District Council Presidents, Executive Director(s) are empowered to work on state legislative issues. When they agree to bring forward a potential grassroots campaign, they need to sign off on the campaign. They should notify their regional representative and Chair of the Voice for the Poor Committee and their Regional Vice President. Then they will work with Steve Uram, National Director of Poverty Programs, to draft the alert and the message to advocates and to the state legislators. You can find the process explained in our State and Advocacy Toolkit.

As Exodus 22:20-26 reminds us, we shall be judged if we oppress the poor or vulnerable — God will hear their cry. Let us build up the Kingdom of God with justice by advocating for our neighbors in need.

03-07-24 Questions & Answers

03-07-24 Questions & Answers 1200 628 Jill Pioter

Q: I was told that our National Council has about 128 voting members. Do you know approximately how many votes can be cast at our General Council in Paris? 

A: In the U.S., there are 128 National Council Members eligible to vote at Midyear and National Assembly business meetings. According to The Rule, Part II, the Presidents of all instituted Superior (National) Councils or Assimilated Councils are voting members of the International Confederation. Assimilated Councils are lower-level Councils or Conferences that have been officially designated as representing the country where they are located. The Society is located in more than 150 countries and territories, so potentially there are more than 150 voting members.

Q: Is it proper for a Conference to take some funds from a bequest and place them into Certificates of Deposit (CDs) with different maturity dates?

A: It is okay to put money in CDs as long as there is a specific plan for reducing those funds to zero, such as building a new program or facility. Our purpose is not to build bank accounts or earn interest. The issue of hoarding comes into play when decisions are made to keep money in the bank instead of helping someone in need. Will the Conference readily cash in the CDs in order to help those in need, rather than allow the CDs to go to maturity? Conference funds are not to be used for “endowments” unless the funds were specifically collected for that purpose with the donor’s direction.


P: Me dijeron que en nuestro Consejo Nacional hay alrededor de 128 votos que se pueden emitir. ¿Sabe usted aproximadamente cuántos votos se pueden emitir en nuestro Consejo General en París?

R: En los EE. UU. hay 128 miembros del Consejo Nacional elegibles para votar en las reuniones de negocios de mitad de año y de la Asamblea Nacional.

De acuerdo con la Regla, Parte II, los Presidentes de todos los Consejos Superiores (Nacionales) o Consejos Asimilados instituidos son miembros con derecho a voto de la Confederación Internacional. Los Consejos Asimilados son Consejos o Conferencias de nivel inferior que han sido designados oficialmente como representantes del país en el que se encuentran. Estamos ubicados en más de 150 países y territorios, por lo que potencialmente hay más de 150 miembros con derecho a voto.

 P: ¿Es apropiado que una Conferencia tome algunos fondos de un legado y los coloque en Certificados de Depósito (CD) con diferentes fechas de vencimiento?

R: Está bien poner dinero en certificados de depósito siempre y cuando haya un plan específico para reducir esos fondos a cero, como la construcción de un nuevo programa o instalación. Nuestro propósito no es crear cuentas bancarias ni ganar intereses.  El problema del acaparamiento entra en juego cuando se toman decisiones para mantener el dinero en el banco en lugar de ayudar a alguien que lo necesita. ¿Aceptará la Conferencia cobrar fácilmente los certificados de depósito para ayudar a los necesitados en lugar de permitir que los certificados de depósito lleguen a su vencimiento?  Los fondos de la conferencia no deben utilizarse para un “fondo dotacional” a menos que los fondos se hayan recaudado específicamente para ese propósito con la aprobación del donante.

02-29-24 Questions & Answers

02-29-24 Questions & Answers 1200 628 Jill Pioter

Q: Resolution 114 says that a Conference can be “suspended” and mentions an appeal process. But I’m not finding anything that tells us what needs to be done to suspend a Conference. For example, if a Conference refused to give us annual financial reports, according to Resolution 114, they can be suspended. But who tells them? Is it a local decision (e.g., Archdiocesan Council)? Does it have to be in writing, etc.? Guidance? Where do I find this information?

A: Only the National President may suspend a member or a Conference. Here’s the process. The Council must submit a letter to the National Vice President for the region showing the specifics of why the Conference should be suspended/dissolved. This letter must also include everything that was done to correct the situation. If convinced the information is sufficient, the National Vice President will submit the suspension request to the National President. If the National Vice President or the National President is not satisfied with the information given, he/she will advise the next steps. If the National Vice President does not feel that the information is sufficient and refuses to forward to the National President, the Council may appeal directly to the National President.

Q: Our store has been up and running successfully for a while. We now are getting a large number of “walk-in” friends in need. We have hired a current Vincentian who is experienced with the Home Visit process as an intake coordinator. We will continue to use the Home Visit process, but will have the coordinator do intake documentation, refer to other sources of help, coordinate volunteers for Home Visits, and handle immediate service for basic human needs emergencies.
We would greatly appreciate any documentation on position descriptions, words of wisdom, or other guidelines to get started with this process. 

A: Here are some considerations:

  1. You are hiring a Vincentian to be the intake coordinator, which means this individual will not be eligible for a role as an officer of the Conference. Paid staff are not allowed to be officers. This person can still be a member, but not an officer.
  2. The interview and decisions for assistance should be done by two Vincentians, with someone working with the intake coordinator during interviews to decide what basic assistance should be provided.
  3. There is no national documentation such as a job description describing an intake coordinator.


P: La Resolución 114 dice que una Conferencia puede ser “suspendida” y habla de un proceso de apelación. Pero no encuentro nada que nos diga lo que hay que hacer para suspender una Conferencia. Por ejemplo, si una Conferencia se niega a presentarnos informes financieros anuales, de acuerdo con la Resolución 114 puede ser suspendida. Pero ¿quién se lo dice? ¿Es una decisión local (por ejemplo, el Consejo Arquidiocesano)? ¿Tiene que ser por escrito, etc.? ¿Orientación? ¿Dónde puedo encontrar esta información?

R: El Consejo debe presentar una carta al Vicepresidente Nacional de la Región en la que se indiquen los detalles de por qué la Conferencia debe suspenderse o disolverse. Esta carta también debe incluir todo lo que se hizo para corregir la situación. El Vicepresidente Nacional, si está convencido de que la información es suficiente, presentará la solicitud de suspensión al Presidente Nacional. Si el Vicepresidente Nacional o el Presidente Nacional no están satisfechos con la información proporcionada, aconsejarán los próximos pasos. Si el Vicepresidente Nacional considera que la información no es suficiente y se niega a transmitirla al Presidente Nacional, el Consejo puede apelar directamente al Presidente Nacional. Sólo el Presidente Nacional puede suspender a un miembro o a una Conferencia.

P: Nuestra tienda estuvo funcionando con éxito durante un tiempo. Ahora estamos recibiendo un gran número de prójimos que necesitan ayuda “sin cita previa”. Hemos contratado a uno de nuestros Vicentinos actuales, que tiene experiencia en el proceso de Visitas Domiciliarias, como “coordinador de admisión”. Continuaremos usando el proceso de Visitas Domiciliarias, pero haremos que el coordinador haga la documentación de admisión, refiera a otras fuentes de ayuda, coordine a los voluntarios para las visitas domiciliarias y maneje el servicio inmediato para emergencias de necesidades humanas básicas.
Agradeceríamos mucho cualquier documentación sobre descripciones de puestos, palabras de sabiduría u otras pautas para comenzar con este proceso.

R: Estas son algunas consideraciones:

  1. ¿Está contratando a un Vicentino para que sea el coordinador de admisión? Esto significa que esa persona no podrá desempeñar el cargo de miembro de la Mesa Directiva de la Conferencia. El personal remunerado no puede ser funcionario. Esta persona puede seguir siendo miembro, pero no funcionario.
  2. La entrevista y las decisiones de asistencia deben ser realizadas por dos Vicentinos, con alguien que trabaje con el coordinador de admisión durante las entrevistas para decidir qué asistencia básica se brindará.
  3. No existe documentación nacional, como una descripción del puesto de trabajo que describa a un coordinador de documentación de admisión.

How Can Facebook and Instagram Help My Thrift Store?

How Can Facebook and Instagram Help My Thrift Store? 1200 628 Jill Pioter

By Bryan Engel, Director of Operations
Diocesan Council of Pittsburgh, Eastern Region

If your Marketing budget is on the lower end (or nonexistent), you may not feel like there are any opportunities to promote your stores. What can you do if you cannot afford billboards, radio, TV, or even newspapers? Have you tried free social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram? For thrift stores, these platforms offer opportunities to connect with customers, showcase products, and ultimately drive sales. Let’s explore the benefits of social media marketing (particularly on Facebook and Instagram) for thrift stores:

1. Increased Visibility and Brand Awareness (free)

Social media platforms boast billions of active users worldwide, providing thrift stores with an expansive audience to showcase their unique offerings. By maintaining an active presence on Facebook and Instagram, thrift stores can increase their visibility and reach a larger audience beyond their physical location. Consistent posting, engaging content, and strategic use of hashtags can help boost brand awareness and attract potential customers to your store. What is consistent posting? At least three posts per week — at most, 3 – 4 posts per day.

2. Showcase Unique Inventory (free)

The great thing about the inventory  in your store is that you only have ONE of that item. Use Facebook and Instagram to create FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). If someone wanted to buy an item that they missed out on, they will be checking their feeds more regularly for the deals and inventory that you have to offer. So, make sure that you are posting those rare finds.

3. Targeted Advertising (paid)

One of the most powerful features of social media marketing is the ability to target specific demographics based on interests, location, and behavior. Thrift stores can leverage this feature to tailor their advertising efforts and reach audiences most likely to be interested in their products. By refining targeting parameters, thrift stores can ensure their marketing efforts are reaching the right audience, maximizing the return on investment.

For our Mattress ad in Pittsburgh, we targeted: 10-mile radius from each store,
less than $50k income, and looking to purchase a mattress or box spring within the next year.
For the store’s ad, we targeted specific zip codes around each store.

4. Engage with Customers and Build Community (free)

Social media platforms foster two-way communication, allowing thrift stores to engage directly with customers and build a sense of community around their brand. Responding to comments, messages, and tags promptly demonstrates excellent customer service and encourages meaningful interactions. Building a loyal online community not only drives repeat business but also generates word-of-mouth referrals as satisfied customers share their experiences with others.

5. Drive Traffic to Physical Store Locations and E-commerce Platforms (free)

While social media provides a platform for showcasing products, its ultimate goal for thrift stores is to drive traffic to physical store locations or e-commerce platforms. Incorporating location tags, store hours, and directions into posts makes it easier for customers to find and visit the store.

If you need help with writing your ads or promoting your stores, I suggest Chat GPT or an outside agency. In Pittsburgh, I use Chat GPT (a free and paid service … I use the free version) to write or give me ideas on the best way to reach customers or write a message. You can also search your local area for advertising options. Overall, there are a lot of advertising opportunities out there. If you are not doing it now, you need to find the time to start. Social media is a FREE option that will benefit your stores immediately.

Hopefully you or another SVdP Council/Conference/Store member will be attending the Mid-Year Meeting in St. Louis, MO in March. Please consider attending the Stores Meeting on Wednesday.  Agenda here.

02-22-24 Questions & Answers

02-22-24 Questions & Answers 150 150 Jill Pioter

Q: Is there a particular protocol to follow when a friend in need threatens to harm him/herself?

A: For members of the Society, there is no legal obligation to report such findings. There is a moral obligation when there is strong suspicion or if the behavior is witnessed. This question should be presented to your diocese, who can give helpful contact numbers for referral.

Q: A member of my Conference said our region’s National Vice President does not have a vote at the National level. Can you verify this?

A: According to National Council Bylaws, each of the nine Regional Vice Presidents is a voting member of the National Board of Directors. However, the Regional Vice Presidents do not have a vote on the National Council. The voting members of the National Council are the National President and the duly elected National Council Members (each representing a Catholic Diocese where the Society is present).


P: ¿Hay algún protocolo particular a seguir cuando un prójimo en necesidad amenaza con hacerse daño a sí mismo?

R: Para los miembros de la Sociedad, no existe ninguna obligación legal de informar sobre tales hallazgos. Existe una obligación moral cuando hay una fuerte sospecha o si el comportamiento es presenciado. Esta pregunta debe ser presentada a su Consejo Diocesano, quien puede proporcionar números de contacto útiles para la referencia.

P: Un miembro de mi Conferencia dijo que el Vicepresidente Nacional de nuestra región no tiene voto a nivel Nacional. ¿Puede usted verificarlo?

R: De acuerdo con los Estatutos del Consejo Nacional, cada uno de los nueve Vicepresidentes Regionales es un miembro con derecho a voto de la Mesa Directiva Nacional. Sin embargo, los Vicepresidentes Regionales no tienen voto en el Consejo Nacional. Los miembros con derecho a voto del Consejo Nacional son el Presidente Nacional y los miembros del Consejo Nacional debidamente elegidos (cada uno representando a una Diócesis Católica donde la Sociedad está presente).

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