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1-20-2022 Questions and Answers

1-20-2022 Questions and Answers 1200 628 Jill Pioter

Q: Our local electricity utility demands a deposit of $300 for two years of a new resident in our town at one of our rental apartments. Because of the legal concerns, after two years, that deposit is sent back to the resident if they pay their bills during the two years (even if SVdP pays that initially). It is my contention that this is a deposit that should be returned to us as an SVdP Conference (unlike rents that we pay to a third party that never gets rebated). Some in our Conference feel that we should not ask for a return of these monies. What is the position of National?

A: Two things to keep in mind: first, the utility company may not keep track of a third party to whom the refund should be given. Second, when we give assistance to people, it is given as a gift – not a loan; so we should not look for a return. One of the things we have always promoted within the Society is that “once given, the gift belongs to the recipient.” They can do with it as they please. That goes for food, clothing, furniture, rent, utilities, gift cards, vouchers, etc.

 Q: At the national meeting there were papers on the relationship of pastors and Conferences, Extension/Revitalization team roles and responsibilities, and the Extension and Formation Initiative Revitalization Toolbox. Where can I find these on the website? I looked at several different places and could not find them.

A: Here is the link for Growth & Revitalization materials: Outreach – St. Vincent de Paul USA Member Site (ssvpusa.org),  where you will find all the materials available from the National Council.

Spanish Translation

P: Nuestro servicio de luz local exige un depósito de $300 por dos años de un nuevo residente en nuestra ciudad en uno de los apartamentos. Debido a los asuntos legales, después de dos años, ese depósito se devuelve al residente si paga sus facturas durante los dos años (incluso si SVDP paga eso inicialmente). Mi argumento es que este es un depósito que debe ser devuelto a nosotros como una Conferencia SVDP (en contraste a los alquileres que pagamos a un tercero que nunca se reembolsa). Algunos en nuestra Conferencia sienten que no deberíamos pedir la devolución de estos dineros. ¿Cuál es la posición de Nacional?

R: Dos cosas a tener en cuenta: primero, la empresa de servicios públicos tal vez no realiza un seguimiento de un tercero a quien se le debe dar el reembolso. En segundo lugar, cuando brindamos asistencia a las personas, lo hacemos como un regalo, no como un préstamo; por lo que no debemos buscar un retorno. Una de las cosas que siempre hemos promovido dentro de la Sociedad es que “una vez dado, el regalo pertenece a quien lo recibe.” Pueden hacer con él lo que quieran. Eso se aplica a alimentos, ropa, muebles, alquiler, servicios públicos, tarjetas de regalo, cupones, etc.

P: En la reunión nacional hubo documentos sobre la relación de los pastores y las Conferencias, las funciones y responsabilidades del equipo de Extensión/Revitalización y Materiales de la Iniciativa por Formación y Revitalización. ¿Dónde puedo encontrarlos en el sitio web? Miré en varios lugares diferentes y no pude encontrarlos.

R: Aquí está el enlace para los materiales de Crecimiento y Revitalización: Divulgación: sitio para miembros de St. Vincent de Paul, EE. UU. (ssvpusa.org), donde encontrará todos los materiales disponibles del Consejo Nacional para hacer crecer nuevas conferencias y revitalizar las conferencias en apuros.


Servant Leadership Responsibilities

Servant Leadership Responsibilities 1200 628 Jill Pioter

*Excerpt from Vincentian Life: Council


Servant Leadership

Officers are servant leaders and should strive to put the good of the Society, Councils, Conferences, Vincentians, poor and benefactors above their own. True servant leadership is a sacrifice given to God for the blessing of being able to help in service to his poor. What greater role model than Jesus. “And he that will be first among you shall be our servant. Even as the son of man has not come to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life as redemption for many.” (Matthew 20: 27-28)


Officers should seek out knowledge of responsibilities from training resources and guidance from the Society.  The National Council has developed many resources for helping officers to understand their roles better.  These resources can be found on the National Council members’ website under various Organization & Membership categories:  Governance, Leadership Resources, Servant Leadership, and many more.

Training programs such as the Ozanam Orientation, Servant Leadership Workshop, and the Governance for Councils and Boards DVD have also been developed.

  1. Officers need to recognize their limitations of knowledge and experience. Unless they have similar leadership and business background, it is difficult to step into the position that is controlled by complex issues in all areas. Our leaders are chosen because they are wonderful spiritual Vincentians willing to take on the responsibility of being a Council President.
  2. Some of them have not had knowledge, training or experience to operate the complex business side of our Society.
  3. They do the best they can.
  4. One new Council President said, “I don’t know anything about a budget for a business. I haven’t even made a written budget for my own family.”
  5. He recognized his weakness and asked for help.

The real problems are: we don’t know that we don’t know and we ask for help too late. Help is available. The National Council has sponsored a mentoring program for Council Presidents and Chief Executive Officer/Executive Directors. Contact the National Council office or check the National Council website for information about this.

Seek Expert Advice

With the recognition of limitations, experts in the required fields of knowledge should be sought. Some of the areas are budgeting, taxes, EEOC, hiring, labor laws, accounting, insurance, legal matters of all kinds, personnel policies, pay scales and many others. There are willing helpers in every community. Make the effort to seek them out.

No Surprises (Transparency)

Good Vincentian leaders try very hard to build consensus before acting on significant issues. A cardinal rule of all business and even in life is, NO SURPRISES. Tell the facts as early as possible to those involved before the crisis decision time arrives.

Involve Everyone

No Lone Rangers allowed. An election should not turn over the management of the entire Council to the new President. The President doesn’t know everything and the President doesn’t do everything. The President must keep all of the members involved. This is NOT a personal ministry. Over the years, many Conferences and Councils have failed, many have folded, and many members have been lost because of the effects of a Lone Ranger.

No Absentee Presidents

If you accept the position of responsibility, you owe it to the Council and the Society to be actively involved locally and at required meetings in the Region and at the National level. If you don’t want the entire responsibility don’t just accept a couple of areas that you like. The President is expected to be present and involved throughout his/her term. This also means NO Snowbirds.

Succession Planning

One of our primary responsibilities of leaders of a Council is to leave the Council in as good or better condition when our term is up as it was when we became the leader. There is much more work to be done long after we are gone. We must do our share to be sure our Council is there to do it. This also includes the President making every effort to nurture future leaders in the Council. There is no automatic succession in the Society, so this means that the concepts of leadership should be regularly promoted.

Special Conditions

In the chapter on Conferences, mention was made of two special concerns: President’s term of office and inappropriate appointment of officers. Both of these conditions come into play at the Council level as well. The Council is not only to monitor this at the Conference level but within itself as well.

Conference Collaborations: Enhancing Our Network Of Charity

Conference Collaborations: Enhancing Our Network Of Charity 1200 628 Jill Pioter

In August of 1833, Leon Le Prevost, a member of the first Conference who later went on to establish the Religious Order of St. Vincent de Paul, wrote: In this moment there is a great movement of charity and of faith…” The same could be said of our time and our place in this world. Although we are often distracted by negative forces, influences, and movements, we must never lose sight of the hearts of our non-Vincentian brothers and sisters who like us long to help others. We witness that concern and compassion flow out of the actions of individuals, families, corporations, faith-based groups, and civic organizations as they respond to natural disasters and other large-scale tragedies.

From the very early days of the Society, our founders understood the need to work collaboratively with the government and other organizations in order to better assist the poor and suffering. In December of 1833, the first Conference accepted the role of “Commissioners of Charity” for the administrators of the La Bienfaisance neighborhood. While our present-day Councils often enter into collaborative agreements and relationships, our local Conferences tend to function primarily in cooperation with other Conferences and Councils, seldom reaching out to other groups in their local area.

If Conferences are isolated and do not interact and cooperate with other local faith-based groups and charitable organizations, we are overlooking resources including potential volunteers who can assist us in providing assistance to our neighbors in need.  By joining forces we not only increase our ability to help others but we also engage the community and provide others with the opportunity to be actively involved in helping those in need. Additionally, our outreach efforts help spread knowledge about the Society and our mission of charity and love.

On the Conference level, most collaborative relationships do not require a formal contract but more of a mutual understanding based on agreement in protocols and policies. Identifying groups in your area should be the starting point followed by outreach and relationship-building. Such relationships should start by sharing with the group’s leaders or members our history and mission, as well as letting them know how we currently serve those in need in our community.

The process must include a two-way conversation that provides us with an understanding of who they are and how they currently serve the community. Once that relationship is built, we can begin a conversation on how we can work together to benefit the needy, always keeping in mind that we can only function within the Rule of the Society. Just as we honor who they are and their procedures and guidelines, they must honor ours. For example, potential collaborative partners need to understand early on we cannot share funds with them or any project that our members are not involved in through person-to person contact with the poor.

When Frederic Ozanam helped to establish the Society, he envisioned a network of charity that would encompass the world. Vincentians are only part of that network. Our vocation calls us to reach out and serve beside other people of goodwill to help relieve poverty and injustice. By reaching out to them we can enhance the work of our Conferences and provide opportunities for them to join us in service to the least among us.

Such collaboration can make a huge difference. Ask yourself, “How can our Conference build relationships with other groups and churches?” With the help of others, we can do more and experience the love of Christ in those whom we serve and in those whom we serve beside.

Questions and Answers 1-6-2022

Questions and Answers 1-6-2022 150 150 Jill Pioter

Q: A few members of my Conference say that they will not help someone who lies to them. Pope Francis has said that someone who lies is desperate. I believe that we should assist someone in need even if they have lied to us. Yes, confront the lie but show mercy. Is there anything in the Rule or other Vincentian literature that addresses this situation?

A: People lie for various reasons: some out of desperation, some because it suits the way they live, some simply because it will gain something for them. Telling lies is sinful, which means that a liar is a sinner just like all of us. God is willing to forgive all sinners; should we not be willing to do as much?

In the Rule, Part I, Articles 1.8 it states, Vincentians serve the poor cheerfully, listening to them and respecting their wishes, helping them to feel and recover their own dignity, for we are all created in God’s image. In the poor, they see the suffering Christ. Members observe the utmost confidentiality in the provision of material and any other type of support. Article 1.9 reads, Vincentians endeavor to establish relationships based on trust and friendship. Conscious of their own frailty and weakness, their hearts beat with the heartbeat of the poor. They do not judge those they serve. Rather, they seek to understand them as they would a brother or sister.

When we interview someone who is asking for help, it is up to us to do due diligence to determine if the need is real and if we should help. Was the lie a determining factor if giving the assistance?  If the lie was not a determining factor in deciding what to do, then does it really make a difference on future help? Should we Vincentians have done more investigation before agreeing to assist?  Sometimes in our willingness to help people, we don’t do all we should to ensure the need is real.

Q: Is there anything in the Rule or Manual that would prevent an individual to serve as President of both his/her District Council and President of his/her individual Conference simultaneously? If so, could an individual hold different offices within the Council and Conference? i.e., Council President, Conference Treasurer?

A: It is not a problem from the Rule and Bylaws for a Council President to also carry the office of Conference President. Nonetheless, it is not recommended because of the responsibilities including voting that go with each position.

The following circumstances should be clearly addressed and determined by the Council before allowing one individual to serve in both elected roles:

  • When a Council President holds the position of Conference President as well, does he/she get two votes in the Council meeting – one as President of the Conference and one as President of the Council?
  • Who represents the Conference in the Council meeting?

These should be answered before he/she takes office.

Spanish Translation

P: Algunos miembros de mi Conferencia dicen que no ayudarán a alguien que les mienta. El Papa Francisco ha dicho que alguien que miente está desesperado. Creo que deberíamos ayudar a alguien que lo necesite incluso si nos ha mentido. Sí, confronta la mentira, pero muestra misericordia. ¿Hay algo en la Regla u otra literatura Vicentina que aborde esta situación?

R: La gente miente por varias razones: algunas por desesperación, algunas porque se adapta a su forma de vida, algunas simplemente porque les dará algo. Decir mentiras es un pecado, lo que significa que un mentiroso es un pecador como todos nosotros. Dios está dispuesto a perdonar a todos los pecadores; ¿no deberíamos estar dispuestos a hacer lo mismo?

En la Regla, Parte I, Artículos 1.8 dice, los Vicentinos sirven al pobre con alegría, prestándoles atención y respetando sus deseos, ayudándolos a sentir y recobrar su dignidad propia, ya que todos somos creados en la imagen de Dios. En el pobre, ellos ven al Cristo sufriente. Los miembros observan la más completa confidencialidad cuando proveen bienes materiales o cualquier otro tipo de ayuda. El artículo 1.9 dice, los Vicentinos tratan de establecer relaciones basadas en la confianza y la amistad. Conscientes de su propias flaquezas y debilidades, sus corazones laten en conjunto con el latido del pobre. Ellos no juzgan a los que sirven. Al contrario, tratan de entenderlos como si fuesen con un hermano o hermana.

Cuando entrevistamos a alguien que está pidiendo ayuda, depende de nosotros hacer la debida diligencia para determinar si la necesidad es real y si debemos ayudar. ¿Fue la mentira un factor determinante a la hora de dar la asistencia? Si la mentira no fue un factor determinante a la hora de decidir qué hacer, ¿realmente influye en la ayuda futura? ¿Deberíamos, nosotros Vicentinos, haber investigado más, antes de aceptar ayudar? A veces, en nuestra disposición a ayudar a las personas, no hacemos todo lo que deberíamos para asegurarnos de que la necesidad sea real.

P: ¿Hay algo en la Regla o en el Manual que impida que una persona sirva como Presidente de su Consejo de Distrito y Presidente de su Conferencia individual simultáneamente? Si es así, ¿podría una persona ocupar diferentes cargos dentro del Consejo y la Conferencia? es decir, Presidente del Consejo y Tesorero de la Conferencia?

R: No es un problema de la Regla y los Estatutos que un Presidente del Consejo también desempeñe el cargo de Presidente de la Conferencia. No obstante, no se recomienda debido a las responsabilidades, incluida la votación, que acompañan a cada puesto.

Las siguientes circunstancias deben ser tratadas claramente y determinadas por el Consejo antes de permitir que una persona sirva en ambos papeles electos:

  • Cuando un Presidente del Consejo ocupa también el puesto de Presidente de la Conferencia, ¿obtiene dos votos en la reunión del Consejo? ¿uno de Presidente de la Conferencia y uno como Presidente del Consejo?
  • ¿Quién representa a la Conferencia en la reunión del Consejo?

Estos deben ser respondidos antes de que él o ella asuma el cargo.

12-23-2021 Questions and Answers

12-23-2021 Questions and Answers 1200 628 Jill Pioter

Q: We currently have two individuals who have been working and volunteering in our Thrift Store for years. Is it against the law to have an individual as both an employee and volunteer?

A: Once a person is hired to do a job, he/she must be paid to do that job. They are not allowed to do that job for pay sometime and for no pay (volunteer) sometime; it is against labor laws. A person may volunteer to do work that is totally unrelated to the work he/she is paid to do.  For example, a store employee may work as a cashier and be paid for it. Then that person may volunteer to sort clothing, but may not do anything in the cashier’s job description.

Q: The President has appointed an assistant pantry manager who is not Catholic. This manager has virtually become the main person in this operation which is, by far, the biggest activity of the Conference. Is it okay for an associate member to take such a position?

A: It is not a problem for an associate member to become a pantry manager. An associate member can do a lot in Conferences, but it does not give them extra authority for Conference policy decision making. Decision making is done by active Conference members only. He/she can make operational decisions. Also, keep in mind that associate members do not vote as do full members who must be Catholic.

Spanish Translation

P: Actualmente tenemos dos personas que han trabajado y se han ofrecido como voluntarias en nuestra tienda de segunda mano durante años. ¿Es contra la ley tener a un individuo como empleado y voluntario?

R: Una vez que se contrata a una persona para hacer un trabajo, se le debe pagar por hacer ese trabajo. No se les permite hacer ese trabajo por pago en algún momento y sin pago (voluntario) en algún momento; va en contra de las leyes laborales. Una persona puede ofrecerse como voluntario para realizar un trabajo que no está relacionado en absoluto con el trabajo por el que se le paga. Por ejemplo, un empleado de una tienda puede trabajar como cajero y recibir un pago por ello. Entonces esa persona puede ofrecerse voluntariamente para clasificar la ropa, pero no puede hacer nada en la descripción del trabajo del cajero.

P: El presidente ha designado a una persona que no católico para ser subdirector de la despensa. Este subdirector se ha convertido prácticamente en la persona principal de esta operación que es la actividad principal de la Conferencia. ¿Está bien que un miembro asociado asuma ese puesto?

R: No es un problema para un miembro asociado convertirse en gerente de despensa. Un miembro asociado puede hacer mucho en las Conferencias, pero no le da autoridad adicional para la toma de decisiones de política de la Conferencia. Solo los miembros activos pueden tomar las decisiones de la Conferencia. Un miembro asociado puede tomar decisiones operativas. Además, tenga en cuenta que los miembros asociados no votan al igual que los miembros activos, que deben ser católicos.

12-16-2021 Questions and Answers

12-16-2021 Questions and Answers 1200 628 Jill Pioter

Q:  The LDS church has contacted our Conference offering volunteers to help with our service. I know there are major doctrine differences, so would like to know how SVdP responds to such a request.

A:  Members of the LDS church (as well as others) can be Associate Members, meaning they can participate in the works and possibly attend meetings (without a vote), but they cannot be officers. If your Conference has special works, such as a pantry or a store, they can assist as volunteers. If your Conference has special seasonal programs such as Thanksgiving or Christmas, they can help then as well.

Q:  We have a Conference president approaching the end of her second term and trying to plan her succession. No current member of this active Conference seems willing to step up to succeed her. If that does not change, what should happen with the Conference?

A:  There are two choices, either elect someone from within or close the Conference. It is up to the Conference members to step forward and provide leadership for their Conference. A District Council president can temporarily appoint someone to be Conference president if no president is nominated before the current president term ends; but an election has to take place as soon as possible and within a reasonable time. The current president must NOT stay in office beyond their elected first/second terms.

Spanish Translation

P: La iglesia SUD se ha puesto en contacto con nuestra Conferencia ofreciendo voluntarios para ayudar con nuestro servicio. Sé que existen diferencias importantes de doctrina, entonces me gustaría saber cómo responde SVdP a tal solicitud.

R:  Los miembros de la iglesia SUD (así como otros) pueden ser Miembros Asociados, lo que significa que pueden participar en las obras y posiblemente asistir a las reuniones (sin voto), pero no pueden ser funcionarios. Si su Conferencia tiene trabajos especiales, como una despensa o una tienda, pueden ayudar como voluntarios. Si su Conferencia tiene programas especiales de temporada como Acción de Gracias o Navidad, ellos también pueden ayudar.

P: Tenemos un presidente de la Conferencia acercándose al final de su segundo mandato y tratando de planificar su sucesión. Ningún miembro actual de esta  Conferencia activa parece estar dispuesto a dar un paso al frente para sucederle. Si eso no cambia, ¿qué debería pasar con la Conferencia?

R: Hay dos opciones, elegir a alguien de dentro o cerrar la Conferencia. Depende de los miembros de la Conferencia dar un paso adelante y proporcionar liderazgo para su Conferencia. Un presidente del Consejo de Distrito puede nombrar temporalmente a alguien para que sea presidente de la Conferencia si no se nombra ningún presidente antes de que finalice el mandato actual; pero las elecciones deben tener lugar lo más pronto posible y en un plazo razonable. El presidente actual NO debe permanecer en el cargo más allá de su primer/segundo mandato electo.

12-9-2021 Questions and Answers

12-9-2021 Questions and Answers 1200 628 Jill Pioter

Q: Our Council gets funds donated to us from a couple of grocery chains. The funds are then passed on to the Conferences in the form of gift cards which they either give to people or use to purchase food for their pantry. How should the Conference report these funds on the annual report?

A: The financial report is only for actual money that is deposited in the Conference accounts. Gift cards cannot be deposited and must be included under in-kind.

If your food pantry is designated as an official Special Work for which you send in a report at the end of the year, then the money donated to the food pantry should be entered on line 3A. If the food pantry is not an official special work, then the money donated for food should go into Restricted Funds. But again, this never includes gift cards because they are in-kind donations.

Q: Some of our Conferences receive donations in the form of gift cards to supermarkets and places like Target which they then distribute to friends in need during Christmas. These gift cards have cash value. Should the Conference treat them as such and report them on line 5E: Other-Misc. Receipts?

A: The gifts cards received as donations would be treated as in-kind. When they are distributed, they have a specific value for the purpose for which you give them (food, clothing, etc.). They are not cash so they would not be treated as 5E. They cannot be deposited to your account and show up in the balancing of your accounts.

Spanish Translation

P: Nuestro Consejo recibe fondos que nos donan un par de empresas de supermercados. Luego, los fondos se transfieren a las Conferencias en forma de tarjetas de regalo que se entregan a las personas o se utilizan para comprar alimentos para su despensa. ¿Cómo debería informar la Conferencia sobre estos fondos en el informe anual?

R: El informe financiero es solo para el dinero real que se deposita en las cuentas de la Conferencia. Las tarjetas de regalo no se pueden depositar y deben incluirse en especie.

Si su despensa de alimentos está designada como Obra Especial oficial para la cual envía un informe al final del año, entonces el dinero donado a la despensa debe ingresarse en la línea 3A. Si la despensa no es una obra especial oficial, entonces el dinero donado para alimentos debe ir a Fondos Restringidos. Pero fíjese, esto nunca incluye tarjetas de regalo porque son donaciones en especie.

P: Algunas de nuestras Conferencias reciben donaciones en forma de tarjetas de regalo para supermercados y lugares como Target, que luego distribuyen a amigos con necesidades durante la Navidad. Estas tarjetas de regalo tienen valor en efectivo. ¿Debería la Conferencia tratarlos como efectivo e informarlos en la línea 5E: Otro-Misc. Ingresos?

R: Las tarjetas de regalo recibidas como donaciones se tratarán como en especie. Cuando se distribuyen, tienen un valor específico por el propósito para el que se les da (comida, ropa, etc.). No son dinero en efectivo, por lo que no serían tratados como 5E. No se pueden depositar en su cuenta y aparecer en el saldo de sus cuentas.

12-2-2021 Questions and Answers

12-2-2021 Questions and Answers 1200 628 Jill Pioter

Q: Some Conference members purchase Christmas gifts with their personal funds, which they deliver, along with a member of their family. Is this allowed?

A: Vincentians should refrain from providing help using their own personal resources, especially since those we serve will view the assistance as being provided by SVdP. This is permitted as long as it is done in the individual members names – not in the name of SVdP – and there would be no reimbursement in this case. Many Conferences throughout the country have Christmas Tree or Adopt-A-Family programs. The connection is for parishioners to provide gifts for the families. Members and their families may also participate in these programs.

Q:  If we collect funds in excess of our needs, can we combine the excess funds into our general account, or must we maintain them in a “special works” category in our accounting?

A: Funds can be used as the membership body determines. Excess funds collected for seasonal assistance (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, etc.) do not have to be escrowed into a special works account for annual use. Our friends are in need daily, and all resources should be available to serve those in need.

A Time for Thanks

A Time for Thanks 1200 628 Jill Pioter

At this special time of the year when our thoughts turn to giving thanks, it is appropriate to reflect on the many reasons Vincentians have to be grateful.

Perhaps the two most important are the ongoing guidance of Divine Providence, which has been wondrously at work on behalf of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul during the past 188 years, and the constant inspiration of the Holy Spirit evidenced so beautifully by the way Vincentians respond every day to the challenges we face in serving Christ’s beloved poor.

We are privileged to participate in the perpetual miracle of our Society:  Ordinary people doing extraordinary things which restore hope to those who have none and change their lives for the better. Our countless benefactors, whose generosity makes it possible for us to help so many people in so many ways, deserve our gratitude as well.

On the most personal level, going to the essence of Vincentian spirituality, we should be thankful to those we serve for the blessings they bestow on us which transform our own lives.

Very importantly, we have each other, truly something to cherish.  Loving and supporting one another while helping the poor is an integral part of our mission.

Vincentians have been graced by God to be members of one family throughout the world living Blessed Frederic’s divinely inspired vision of a global network of charity and social justice.  We should thank God for our Vincentian vocation, a blessing of eternal value

And, ultimately, how blessed we are with the gift of faith, and in that faith Christ’s greatest gift – the Eucharist.  How fitting it is that “eucharist” means “gratitude.”

11-24-2021 Questions and Answers

11-24-2021 Questions and Answers 1200 628 Jill Pioter

Q: We are an agency of Second Harvest. We have held two mobile pantries, one serving 250 families and the other 200. Should we report this in the “in-kind food” column? We also give out food every third Thursday that is provided by Second Harvest. We average 35 families. We have just started this a few months ago. Please advise if/how we would report this on the Annual Report. Not sure if I could be accurate on the value.

A: Unless you have a special arrangement with Second Harvest, the food you get from Second Harvest is purchased, so it is not in-kind. When you say that you “also give out food every third Thursday that is provided by Second Harvest,” do you mean that Second Harvest is doing the distribution and you are helping, or that Second Harvest gives you the food free of charge and you are distributing? If it is the first, then you don’t record anything except your time. If it is the second, then you record the food distributed as in-kind.

Q: I have a real problem with the ethnicity breakdown requested on the Annual Conference Report. The federal government has a special form for Ethnicity and Race Identification. I see no value in providing this information.

A: The Society does not use this information in any discriminatory way. The ethnicity information is collected only in the aggregate. Based on our Rule (Part I, Article 3.2), we are not to discriminate in membership. The breakdown in the annual report is simply to show how diverse and inclusive the Society has become. Occasionally, there are questions related to this from major funders.

Spanish Translation

P: Somos una agencia de Second Harvest. Hemos tenido dos despensas móviles, una que atiende a 250 familias y la otra a 200. ¿Deberíamos informar esto en la columna de “alimentos en especie”? También repartimos comida cada tercer jueves que es proporcionada por Second Harvest. Tenemos un promedio de 35 familias. Acabamos de comenzar esto hace unos meses. Indique si lo informaremos en el Informe Anual y cómo lo haríamos. No estoy seguro de poder ser exacto sobre el valor.

R: A menos que tenga un acuerdo especial con Second Harvest, la comida que obtiene de Second Harvest se compra, por lo que no es en especie. Cuando dice que “también reparte comida cada tercer jueves que proporciona Second Harvest”, ¿quiere decir que Second Harvest está haciendo la distribución y usted está ayudando, o que Second Harvest le da la comida gratis y usted está distribuido? Si es el primero, no registra nada excepto su tiempo. Si es el segundo, registra los alimentos distribuidos como en especie.

P: Tengo un problema grande con el desglose étnico solicitado en el Informe Anual de la Conferencia. El gobierno federal tiene un formulario especial para la identificación étnica y racial. No veo ningún valor en proporcionar esta información.

R: La Sociedad no utiliza esta información de forma discriminatoria. La información de origen étnico se recopila solo en conjunto. De acuerdo con nuestra Regla (Parte I, Artículo 3.2), no debemos discriminar en la membresía. El desglose en el informe anual es simplemente para mostrar cuán diversa e inclusiva se ha vuelto la Sociedad. De vez en cuando, hay preguntas relacionadas con esto de los donantes principales.


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