The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is made up of people of many cultures, many races, many walks of life, and many points of view. Our diversity reflects our strength. The National Committee on Multicultural/Diversity Issues and Initiatives recognizes and appreciates the potential and power of all people.
“If you want someone to love you, you must be the first to love;
and if you have nothing to give, give yourself.”
– Blessed Rosalie Rendu
Multicultural/Diversity Resources
Hope in the Face of Racism Series
The views and opinions expressed in external links are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
Diversity at SVdP Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going
Size: 2.16 MBHits: 1605Date added: 07-27-2021Date modified: 08-17-2021Embracing Unconditionally the Differences Among Us
Size: 1.07 MBHits: 1257Date added: 07-27-2021Date modified: 08-16-2021The Racial Divide in the United States: The Most Reverend Edward K. Braxton, Ph. D., S.T.D.
Size: 118.02 KBHits: 510Date added: 07-27-2021Date modified: 08-16-2021White Privilege - Unpacking the Invisible Backpack
Size: N/AHits: 259Date added: 05-26-2023Date modified: 05-26-2023One Cloth, Many Threads by Sr. Caroljean Willie, SC
Size: N/AHits: 526Date added: 07-27-2021Date modified: 08-16-2021Racial Sobriety Answering the Prayer of Jesus
Size: 399.97 KBHits: 1385Date added: 07-27-2021Date modified: 08-16-2021
Contact Us
Pamela Hudson Johnson
National Director of Membership Services
(314) 576-3993, ext. 214