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Retaining Your Members – Part 1

Retaining Your Members – Part 1 1198 1198 Lori Pattison

From Joe Riley, Phoenix Council Board Member – (Excerpted from Vincentian Life: Conference)

Retaining Your Members – Part One

 We have noted several times in this Manual that progress takes time and patience.  Gaining new members, increasing contributions, attaining spiritual maturity, and developing a network of relationships happen only slowly, over time.  Once you have made that commitment in effort and prayer, would it not be a shame to lose what you worked so hard to build?

You retain people by helping them do things that warm their hearts and enrich their souls.  Then they will make the personal commitment to continue.

An important point to remember is that a happy, dedicated member is one who knows what is expected and also knows how and why what he/she does is important to the Society and those in need.  The heart of retention is the long-range feeling that the Society and its works are individually fulfilling.


Gaining a new member is like finding a diamond in the slag at the Kimberly mines.  You have no idea of its real value until you chip away the exterior to reveal its inner composition (get to know her/him), and spend time polishing its surface (provide training, motivation and direction).  A hesitant retired accountant could become your most dynamic home visit team member, engaging even the most cynical of guests in fervent prayer.  A quiet young parishioner may have the potential to be your successor as Conference president.

How do you retain these diamonds in the rough?

  1.  Assign them a mentor. Assign them someone who will work with them for a while — at least four to six months.  Preferably an experienced Vincentian of the same sex.  To be considered for the role of mentor, a member should be well experienced in the Society (it would be wrong here to define a number of years of experience), have participated in sufficient number of home visits to have experienced a wide variety of circumstances, and has attended the Ozanam Orientation.
  2. Assign them something to do right away, even if it appears trivial, like organizing the shelves in your pantry. Explain how it is important to your overall work (you must meet the health code or risk the loss of your pantry) and that you will be moving them to other, more important work soon.
  3. Assign them a meaningful responsibility quickly. Don’t break your promise from the above item.  Give them something important to do, preferably home visits with an experienced Vincentian.
  4. Provide them with training (local) as soon as possible for specialized positions (answering the phone, packing food boxes, picking up bread).  Team them up with an experienced Vincentian for home visits or food delivery.  People learn best from observing others.
  5. Get them into Ozanam Orientation training within 3 months.  Never send them alone; send them with someone they know.  Anxiety and confusion run high among new members; having a friend with you helps clear away those bottlenecks to participation and development.
  6. Help them feel they are members of a big family. Invite, but don’t force, them to interesting District Council and/or Diocesan Council   Offer to pick them up and drive them to the first couple functions; encourage the creation of carpools to take groups of members to functions.  Mix new members with old-timers whenever possible.  It gives confidence to the newcomers and new vitality to older Vincentians.
  7. Don’t exclude non-Catholics. We are an organization which is “Catholic in character.”  Anyone who shares the objectives of the Society is eligible to join.  A real measure of your effectiveness is when non-Catholics join, perceiving that SVdP is not only an effective organization serving the poor, but a means of living out the tenants of their Christian (or monotheistic) faith.  Recent Popes have all stressed our obligation to practice ecumenism; let’s not drop the ball in the field.

Next, consider the suggestions, below, for existing members.


Yes, new members are essential for growth, vitality and the future.  But existing members are your backbone, source of experience, the people who will guide and mentor the newcomers.  They need your attention too.

Keep your members busy.  More members drop out because they don’t think they’re needed than because they’re overworked.  Keep them busy.  Get them involved in the whole picture.  Let them know what’s going on, locally, at the District Council/Diocesan Council level, even nationally.  Get someone to handle the “telephone tree” and make sure everyone gets a call when help is needed.  Even if someone says “sorry” again and again, don’t give up on getting them involved – keep calling.

Form committees and ask everyone to serve on at least one and, hopefully, two.  Good ones are:

  • Information and Referral — Keep the material in your Information and Referral Manual (Sources of Assistance) complete and up to date.
  • Food Procurement — Track what food is available at food bank and at alternate food sources; how and when your monthly allotment and other food supplies will be picked up, unloaded, and shelved.
  • Food Processing — Arrange for vouchers for milk, bread, fresh fruits and produce; repackage laundry detergent, and odd items the Conference receives in bulk.
  • Furniture Registry — Establish and maintain a list of donated, used furniture available from parishioners for guests when needed.  Try to arrange for temporary storage.  Match up with requests from guests.
  • Food Pantry — Keep the pantry clean and the shelves stocked.  Some Conferences pre-pack food boxes by size of family.
  • Social Events— Arrange potluck dinners, outings, parties, etc., for all members spaced throughout the year.
  • Spirituality — Make a calendar for the year with plans for the religious days related to our Society. Coordinate activities with neighboring Conferences.
  • Communications— make sure the arish bulletin has an item about SVdP every week, or the bulletin board has a display, or the newsletter is properly prepared for bulk-rate mailing.
  • Correspondence — handle the correspondence of the Conference, communicating with other parish groups, sending get well and condolence cards, thank you notes to contributors, etc.
  • Projects or Events Committees: Back to School, Postal Food Drive, Roses for Life, Boy Scout Food Drive, Christmas Gift and Food Basket, etc.

Encourage continuing education.  A person never stops learning.  The Diocesan Council can provide you with many ideas and resources for spiritual growth and Vincentian development for your members.  Included are:

The Ozanam Orientation provides basic orientation and essential background and is obligatory for new members and those serving as officers.  This one-day workshop includes SVdP history, spirituality, philosophy, organization, activities, home visits, etc.  Even experienced members have found this program very beneficial.

Serving in Hope has seven modules with multiple lessons in each. Modules include: Our Vincentian Vocation, Our Vincentian Spirituality, Our Vincentian Heritage, Our Vincentian Mission, Our Vincentian Rule, Our Vincentian Conference and the Home Visit.  Each lesson contains study, reflection, and small group discussion.  The formation guides and videos can be ordered from the National Council office.

*   Voice of the Poor.  This educational guide on advocacy is available through the National Council office.

*   Diversity.  “A Vincentian Guide to Diversity/Multicultural Issues” is available through the National Council office.

*   Attend Home Visit Training, Spiritual Advisor Training

*   Attend Retreats, Region Meetings

Be cautious about discouraging members from moving away from being actively involved.  People’s lives change, sometimes often and at inconvenient times.  Women get pregnant and have babies and their lives take difficult turns.  Adults find a parent has Alzheimer’s or a child has ALS.  Members who are actively involved who must ‘withdraw’ or ‘take time off’ should never be made to feel ‘guilty’ about the change.

Vincentians who leave active service on a positive note are more likely to return when their lives change again and/or to continue to help out in other ways (financially, volunteering for special projects, etc.).

Build the role of Associate Membership.  Continued participation of the Vincentian, in any role, is the key to eventually getting the person back into an active role.


Governance Resources

Governance Resources 1198 1198 Lori Pattison

By Joe Riley, Phoenix Council Board Member

Three Major Areas Of Board Responsibility

The beginning of a new fiscal year is typically a good time for Boards to discuss, or at least review, their responsibilities as a nonprofit’s governing body to ensure that all members understand their individual duties.  Most Board members recognize that their basic duties include, but are not limited to, defining and approving policies, selecting and supervising a CEO/Executive Director, ensuring programs are consistent with the organization’s mission and monitoring program effectiveness, as well as protecting the organization’s assets whether it is financial and/or social capital.[1]  From a broader and legal perspective, Boards have three major areas of responsibility:  Duty of care, duty of loyalty and duty of obedience.

Duty of Care:

A Board member is expected to act as any ordinary, prudent person in similar circumstances. This requires diligent, attentive, informed participation; i.e., reasonable care when making decisions in stewardship of the organization.

The duty of care is evident in the following activities:

  • The Board holds regularly scheduled meetings.
  • Board members have received and read the bylaws and policies.
  • Information is provided to the Board in a timely manner and in advance of meetings.
  • Board members arrive at meetings prepared, having read the minutes and advance material.
  • Financial reports are furnished on a regular schedule and are reviewed by the Board.
  • The Board makes informed decisions based on information provided.
  • Minutes accurately reflect Board votes and decisions, including dissent.

Duty of Loyalty:

Board members are expected to act in good faith, giving undivided allegiance to the organization, when making decisions that affect it.  They should not operate for personal gain against the best interests of the organization.

When a conflict arises between the interests of a Board member and the well-being of the organization, the Board member should immediately disclose the matter and recuse from both the discussion and the decision-making.  If the matter proceeds, the terms of any transaction with a Board member must be at least as favorable to the organization as that which could be obtained from a party with no ties to it.

Board members should observe confidentiality regarding the Board’s deliberations and decision-making, and respect and adhere to all Board decisions, regardless of whether they voted in favor of the motion.  Only designated spokespersons (usually the President) may speak publicly on behalf of the organization.

Duty of Obedience:

A Board member is expected to act in a manner that ensures the organization operates in keeping with its mission and bylaws and in accordance with the laws and regulations governing its formation and status.

In order to maintain the public’s trust as a nonprofit organization, Board members must be fully conversant and compliant with the organization’s mission, bylaws and policies, and ensure that the policies, goals and activities (including competent management of its funds and other resources) are executed in accordance with the mission.

Source: Anne Dalton, “Three Major Areas of Board Responsibility,” The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc., 2014.

[1] Boards should not involve themselves in the day-to-day operations of the nonprofit as this is the primary responsibility of the executive director.


Governance Resources

Governance Resources 1198 1198 Lori Pattison

By Joe Riley, Phoenix Council Board Member

Good leadership is one of the keys to every successful organization.  With this in mind, the following are among the projects and materials the National Governance Committee has developed.  It is our hope that these will help everyone become a better servant leader whether as a Conference or Council President, Officer, member of the Board of Directors, or Committee member.

GOVERNANCE TRAINING – We’ve put together a Governance Training program.  Although we have presented this live in a few locations, we know this may not be practical for everyone and so we recorded a presentation (click here for the video link:  https://vimeo.com/showcase/9185786). Click here to download the training guidebook: https://members.ssvpusa.org/leadership/, then click on “If You Have A Board” to locate.

GOVERNANCE WEB PAGE– We’ve grouped much governance-related material into one convenient location.  Search this site for information you need.  The direct link to the governance web page is https://members.ssvpusa.org/governance/    When you open this site you’ll find a summary of each of the posted categories and a guide suggesting what documents you should review based on whether you are or are not in leadership and if you are in leadership, based on the position you hold.

MENTORING – We continue to place mentors for new Council Presidents and new CEOs/Executive Directors through our National Mentoring Program.

PARTNERSHIPS BETWEEN CEOs/EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS AND COUNCIL PRESIDENTS – We prepared a paper that explores how to develop and maintain an effective relationship for the good of the Society.

SUCCESSION PLANNING – We also produced a paper titled “Who Me? Why In The World Should I Become A Vincentian Leader?” along with talking points and a list of resource materials.  There are significant personal benefits to being a Vincentian leader and the Society needs leaders.  Another paper titled “Succession Planning – A Brief Primer” offers guidance on this important subject.

RECOMMENDED SAMPLE POLICIES FOR NONPROFITS – All policies that appear here are meant to be examples of how such policies could read.  They are not meant to be adopted as is but rather to serve as examples only.

QUESTION & ANSWER MASTER INDEX – If you have a question ranging from the Rule to how best to operate a Conference or Council or the correct way to go about the day-to-day activities of a Vincentian, there’s a pretty good chance it’s been answered in Frederic’s e-Gazette.  For this reason we have a Master Index of questions previously asked and answered posted on the national website Governance page.

We suggest you take a look at the variety of leadership materials on the national website.  Take advantage of Leadership Training materials (click here https://members.ssvpusa.org/leadership-training/) and Leadership Mentoring (click here https://members.ssvpusa.org/leadership/).  Promote these materials among your fellow members.

We all belong to the Society because of a desire to help people, to live the Gospel message, and to grow in our faith.  It should follow then that as we provide assistance it be done in the best possible way, using best practices of our time, following the Society’s Rule, and complying with federal and state laws.  In this way we will ensure the good reputation of and the public’s confidence in the Society.

Annual Review – Part Two

Annual Review – Part Two 1198 1198 Pam Hudson

(Excerpted from Vincentian Life: Conference)

By Joe Riley, Phoenix Council Board Member

 IRS Form 990

The IRS requires all nonprofits to submit a Form 990 describing their financials and works at the end of their fiscal year.  The IRS gives our Councils and Conferences until February 15 of the following year to submit this report.  However, not all Conferences are required to submit it.

Only those Conferences that have their own EIN need to submit this report.  For all Conferences that have been allowed to use their Council’s EIN, the Council (District or Diocesan) will submit a consolidated 990 to the IRS which includes the Conference information.  (Additional information about Exemption Requirements – 501(c)(3) and submitting Form 990 tax returns appears at the end of this article.)


The Conference guidelines for service should be reviewed each year during October and/or November to ensure that they reflect current conditions.  This is the time that changes in the guidelines should be considered.  However, the guidelines are the work of the Conference members and they may change them at any time.  There is nothing magic about this time of year.  A regular review is good practice.


This is the time of year recommended for all Conferences to have an annual audit.  This is an informal audit and may be done by two or three members of the Conference, but not by those responsible for accounting or disbursing funds.  The purpose of the audit is not to find fault.  Its purpose is to assure the members of the Conference that all proper procedures are being followed and all the funds of the Conference have been reconciled on a regular basis.  It is recommended that an audit take place when a new President takes office.

The National Council website has a sample audit procedure on the Growth & Revitalization page under Conference Officer Training (click here:  https://members.ssvpusa.org/growth-revitalization/conference-officer-training/).


In the Manual of the Society there is a list of the various types of documents and records that the Conferences typically deal with.  Some are kept permanently.  Some are kept for seven years and then destroyed.  Some are kept for three years and then destroyed.  Some are kept for one year.

The beginning of the fiscal year is the time for the Secretary and Treasurer to review their records and do what is appropriate with each type of document.


The beginning of the fiscal year is a time to ensure that everything related to last year has been properly reviewed and reported.  It is also time for records to be properly stored. This is a time when Conference members should have every assurance that they are moving into the new fiscal year in good form.


 Additional Information

 The following guidance was prepared in collaboration with Nancy Pino, Chief Financial Officer – Chief Operating Officer of the National Council of the United States, and Sherry Brown, Administrative Associate at the National Office.

 Exemption Requirements – 501(c)(3)

 Unlike Churches, Society of St Vincent de Paul Councils and Conferences are required to apply for, obtain and maintain an IRS tax exemption. The National Council proposes three options for securing tax- exempt status:

Option #1: Conferences operate as Integrated Units of a Council, all operating under one tax exemption and Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN). The Council annually files one consolidated 990 for all entities using its EIN.

Option #2: Each Conference or Council is responsible for itself only, each securing its own tax exemption and EIN. Each entity is required to annually file a 990 under their individual EIN.

 Option #3: Council secures its own EIN and tax-exempt status and a group letter ruling with the IRS, sharing its tax exemption with a group, but each Council and Conference having its own EIN. Each member of the group ruling is required to file a 990 under their individual EIN.

Note:  The National Council will no longer allow Councils or Conferences to remain in their group after 10/1/24.  They must choose one of the above options.

Form 990

Tax-exempt organizations, such as the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, which operate with a 501(c)(3) status are obligated to report their activities to the Internal Revenue Service on an annual basis.  This reporting is done on Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax.  The form is intended to give the IRS and the public a picture of the organization’s activities each year.  Some donors rely on Form 990 as their primary or sole source of information about a particular organization when selecting charities to support.

 Form 990 includes information about the organization’s finances, governance, and compliance with certain IRS rules and reporting requirements.  Additional schedules may be required depending upon the activities of the entity.

Generally, subsidiary Conferences that are using the Council’s EIN can rely upon the Council to submit a Form 990 to the IRS using information they provide to their Council.  If your Conference or Council has its own EIN, it must file a 990 series report every year. Depending on your situation, this may be a 990, a 990-EZ, or a 990-N. A Conference whose tax exemption is covered under a Council’s group ruling must annually submit a Form 990 for their individual EIN.

The Form 990 is due on the 15th day of the 5th month following the end of the organization’s taxable year.  Your fiscal year should be set forth in the bylaws of the Conference or Council. For Conferences and Councils with a September 30 fiscal year end, the due date is February 15. For those on a calendar year (December 31), the date is May 15. A six-month extension may be secured by filing Form 8868.

Timely filing of Form 990 each year is critical. If you miss the filing deadline, you will owe a late penalty. Failure to file a 990 for three successive years will result in an automatic revocation of your tax-exempt status. If your status is revoked, you will have to file a Form 1023 for tax-exempt status, pay the filing fee, and wait for the IRS to approve your status. If a Council’s tax-exempt status is revoked, all Conferences which use the Council’s EIN and operate under the Council are not tax-exempt.

Which form 990 do we file? As of the date of this writing, the general guidelines are as follows:

  • Gross receipts of $50,000 or less and not filing a Group Return: may file a 990-N.
  • Gross receipts between $50,000 and $200,000 AND total assets less than $500,000, and not filing a Group Return: may file a 990-EZ.
  • Gross receipts of $200,000 or more, or total assets of $500,000 or more, and filing a Group Return: may file a 990.

There are exceptions to these rules that should be reviewed and those eligible to file a 990-N or 990-EZ, may choose to file a 990. This article should not be considered legal or tax advice. Details related to each Council or Conference will differ, and Conferences and Councils are encouraged to seek professional advice by hiring an accounting firm, Certified Public Accountant, or attorney familiar with tax-exempt organizations. These professionals will review the Council’s or Conference’s operations, organizational and legal status, and finances in order to determine the application of all rules under its specific circumstances and to prepare the appropriate Form 990 return.





Annual Review – Part One

Annual Review – Part One 1198 1198 Pam Hudson

By Joe Riley, Phoenix Council Board Member

(Excerpted from Vincentian Life: Conference)

There are a number of things that must occur at the beginning of the fiscal year.  The standard fiscal year for SVdP is October 1 through September 30.  The things identified here should occur within the first two months of each year.  This is a time of reviewing, evaluating and reporting.

Solidarity Contribution

The solidarity contribution is mentioned first, not because of importance but because it is generally due on the first day of November.  According to the Rule and Bylaws of the Society, the National Council can assess a solidarity contribution to be made by Councils and Conferences for the support of the National Council, its facilities, staff and works.  This solidarity formula will not be described here since it can be changed at any time by resolution of the National Council.  All Councils and Conferences are expected to make their appropriate contribution to the National Council.

Also, District and Diocesan Councils are permitted to assess a solidarity contribution that each expects from its subsidiaries.  There are District and Diocesan Councils throughout the country that do not operate stores or special works and have no specific source of income.  These Councils are dependent upon the support of the Conferences in order to fulfill their responsibilities.  Although this solidarity contribution is due on November 1, this date can vary from Council to Council.  The actual assessment formula from Council to Council can vary as well.

Annual Report

The Conference Annual Report is due by November 30 each year.  That gives each Conference two months after the close of the fiscal year to complete the annual reporting task and submit the report to the District Council.  Where no District Council exists, the Isolated Conference is to submit its report directly to the National Council office.

The Conference Annual Report form may vary from one year to another depending on the data-gathering requirements of the National Council.  The form is available online January 31 each year (click here: https://members.ssvpusa.org/annual-report-forms-2/) and contains complete instruction on how the data should be entered.

Data for the Conference Annual Report may be entered on a paper form and mailed to the appropriate Council, or it may be entered online through the National Council Database in October after the start of the new fiscal year (https://www.svdpmembers.com/annual-reports/annual-reporting-cycles). Complete instructions are also presented for online entry.  Whether on paper or online the due date is the same.

Annual Review With Pastor/Parish

After the Conference Annual Report is prepared by the Conference President, Secretary and Treasurer it is to be shared with the members of the Conference.  The President, Secretary and Treasurer should be prepared to answer any questions that the members have regarding the report.

After the Conference Annual Report has been reviewed and approved by your District Council President a summary of the annual report should then be prepared and submitted to the pastor for his review.  The review and approval by the District Council President is necessary to ensure the numbers are correct before sharing them with the pastor or parish.  Emphasis here is on the word “summary.”  The summary should also be presented to the Parish Council as well as to the parishioners through the parish bulletin.

Although this should be scheduled more often, it is expected that the Conference President will meet with the pastor and review all the work that the Conference has accomplished throughout the year.  This should not only cover what has been done but what the Conference has planned for the upcoming year.

Part Two of this article will appear in the next edition of Frederic’s e-Gazette.

Conference Guidelines

Conference Guidelines 1198 1198 Pam Hudson

(Excerpted from Vincentian Life: Conference)

New members have a real challenge before them when they join a Conference.  There is a tremendous amount of “stuff” that they have to learn: who the other members are, principles and history of the Society, spirituality, how to do home visits, where everything is, what and when to do something, and what and when not to.  It can all be very confusing.  Actually, it can all be confusing to members who have been around for a while as well. That is why it is important to have a set of Conference guidelines.


Have you ever heard the expressions that’s the way we do things, we’ve always done it this way, we can’t do that, or it’s just not done that way?  That is one of the most frustrating things about being a member – especially a new one.  Not knowing what to do and/or being criticized for doing something the wrong way can be very humiliating.  It would all be much simpler if all those ways and things were written down somewhere.

They can be.  They should be.  And, the most-organized and well-run Conferences have a set of written guidelines that are available to all members.  They are not just a set of rules that have been accumulated over the years, they are a formal set of guidelines that have been defined, organized and presented in a form that is convenient to use, easy to understand and readily accessible to all members.

Without the written guidelines, the statements above will continue to flow, and new members will continue to scratch their heads – some even leaving the Conference.  Without the written guidelines, people will give their own interpretation of what is the proper way because that’s the way they remember being taught.


Before preparing a set of guidelines, the Conference members should attend an Ozanam Orientation.  This is important since it gives members an understanding of what is important and what should be stressed in our ministry.  Without this basic understanding, guidelines may be developed simply because they sound good or logical.  The guidelines we develop for a Conference should be reflective of our call to ministry.

Preparing a set of guidelines is not that difficult.  The Conference should establish a committee of about three people who will take on the task of creating the first draft of the guidelines.  They will get together a few times and map out the guidelines which will be reviewed, updated and hopefully approved by the Conference for their use.  Your Conference may also get a copy of the guidelines of a neighboring Conference.  Do NOT simply adopt someone else’s guidelines as your own.  You should make sure your guidelines fit the needs of your Conference and those in need in your parish community.

Look to the other chapters in this book and pay close attention to the topics of food, rent, utilities, home visits, etc. Then come to a consensus among the committee members as to what a reasonable expectation should be in dealing with those types of service.  Members of the Conference may have already dealt with these issues and some unwritten guidelines or rules may already exist.

“Guidelines” should be just what the word means.  These are not firm rules that have to have the “i”s dotted and “t”s crossed.  These are possible ways to approach fulfilling the requests for help.  The guidelines should provide possible solutions.  One thing is extremely important to remember: Guidelines are intended to define how people in need can be served; they are not intended to define how people are to be turned away.

When circumstances dictate, the members can vote to override a guideline for a particular case.

Once the draft is compiled, copies should be presented to all members for their review, correction and final approval.  This process may take two or three meetings to complete.  This review and approval process is a Conference process and should not be left to only a few people.  Once consensus has been reached by the Conference as a whole, the document should be formally published and each member should be given a copy.  The Secretary will be given the original to keep with the Conference records.  All new members should receive a copy of the guidelines when they join the Conference.


At the beginning of the fiscal year (October or November), the Conference guidelines should be reviewed by the members of the Conference.  They should be evaluated to see if they are still appropriate for the conditions that currently exist.  The same process that was followed to review and approve the initial set of guidelines should also be used to review, update and approve the new guidelines.  Once again, all members should be given copies of the guidelines.


Conference guidelines are one of the keys to having an organized and well-run Conference. None of the guidelines should contradict the Rule, Manual or Bylaws or any local, state or federal tax laws. None of the guidelines should in any way indicate who to serve or how not to serve someone in need. If they are properly prepared, the guidelines will help Conference members serve those in need in the best way possible.

Conflict in Conference Meetings

Conflict in Conference Meetings 1198 1198 Pam Hudson

Conference meetings are intended to be “mutually fulfilling” gatherings where members joyfully share their experiences, grow in faith and make plans to serve others.  Sometimes, however, members do not always agree on how to go about these activities and the meetings are far from mutually fulfilling.  Managing meeting conflict is almost never at the top of any Conference president’s list of favorite undertakings, but it doesn’t need to be a negative experience.  In fact, sometimes it can be healthy and help your Conference grow.  Here we share a few tips to better prevent and manage conflict within your Conference meetings.

 To prevent Conference meeting conflicts: 

  • Send out a detailed, specific agenda ahead of time so that members know how the meeting will proceed. Make it clear that the meeting will unfold in an organized, respectful manner.
  • Know the strengths and weaknesses of the members in your Conference, and tailor the discussion style to maximize the strengths and minimize the weaknesses.
  • Encourage frequent communication among Conference members outside of meetings so that members feel informed and are not taken by surprise.
  • Ensure that minutes are kept of Conference meetings, including specifics about decisions made and timeframes. Distribute minutes in advance to all Conference members to reduce inconsistencies in memory.

During a Conference meeting: 

  • Make sure all Conference members have the chance to speak and be listened to respectfully.
  • For significant topics, give members a few moments to process the question at hand and perhaps write down a few notes before starting the discussion.
  • Present things in such a way that indicates the Conference is working through issues together.
  • Try to anticipate conflict and address the issue before it happens. Be aware of members’ nonverbal communication and apparent discomfort.
  • Encourage the Conference to be specific in its decisions to avoid ambiguity about when or how something will be done (i.e., “Jesse will contact Father Mike by noon on Friday,” not “Jesse will contact Father Mike soon”).

 Should a conflict arise: 

  • Pause briefly to allow the Conference and its members a chance to temper emotions and think of how to say things in a thoughtful, respectful fashion.
  • Repeat/summarize what you have heard Conference members say so they know you heard them.
  • Neutralize personally-directed comments by restating them in terms of objective qualities, issues or actions, not people themselves (i.e., “Maria tries to avoid us all of the time and refuses to answer our phone calls” to “You feel that Maria is not making herself available to the needs of the Conference,” or perhaps even better, “You feel that our current system of reporting home visits is not working”).
  • Redirect tangents back to the agenda item under discussion.
  • Restate and reframe the larger context of the situation to keep the topic in perspective.
  • Identify and outline the points of agreement that exist between disagreeing parties.
  • Find a “grain of truth” in an opposing viewpoint and use that to begin to build consensus.
  • Strive to arrive at group consensus; avoid voting on a divisive topic if possible.
  • Place the discussion on hold and ask the Conference spiritual advisor to lead the Conference in a prayer before continuing.

If the Conference is stuck: 

  • Reduce unknown factors and fear by assigning a subgroup to research the topic a bit more and report back at a future meeting.
  • Table the conversation until a future meeting.
  • Discern whether someone perceives a threat to themselves or to their interests. If so, address/discuss the issue in a kindly fashion that preserves their dignity.
  • If the topic is hijacking the meeting, arrange for either the whole group or those members most invested in the topic to hold a separate meeting in the future to discuss it.
  • If only one individual is upset about an issue for a prolonged period of time, ask to meet separately with him/her after the meeting.
  • Consider whether another factor(s) may be contributing to rigidity in mindset or aggression in verbal response.
  • While maintaining confidentiality, seek advice from fellow Conference/Council presidents, National Office staff, committee chairs or other Vincentian peers. Many other Vincentian leaders may have faced similar circumstances and have suggestions based on what worked for them.

Know that you are not alone in facing difficult Conference situations at times.  Facing conflict may not be your favorite part of serving the poor, but your adept handling of it will allow for so much more love, respect, commitment and loyalty to grow among Conference members and toward those in need as a result.

Unoriginal material in the above list was drawn from the following articles.  If you would like further information, follow the links below:

“How to Resolve Conflicts – Without Killing Anyone” from the Texas Center for Women’s Business Enterprise, August, 1997. http://web.cs.ucla.edu/~klinger/articles/conflicts.html

“The 3 Secrets to Conflict Resolution” by August Turak on Forbes.com, September 10, 2012.  http://www.forbes.com/sites/augustturak/2012/09/10/the-3-secrets-to-conflict-resolution/#4e13ab177ce7

“How to Diffuse Workplace Conflict at a Team Meeting” by Nicole Long, studioD on smallbusiness.chron.com. http://smallbusiness.chron.com/diffuse-workplace-conflict-team-meeting-24277.html


Understanding Our Rule

Understanding Our Rule 1198 1198 Pam Hudson

Before one of the workshops I presented about the Rule, I asked a few Council Executive Directors what trouble the Conferences in their respective Councils had following the Rule and what parts of the Rule generated the most questions.  This article will include comments on what came back to me. While the Rule has three parts, this article will only focus on Parts I and III.

Part I of the Rule describes the Society’s philosophy and guiding principles. It is applicable to the Society throughout the world.  While it’s important to review and discuss sections of Part I at Conference meetings, it’s also important to give a copy of the Rule to the clergy in your parish and to point out to them our purpose, the scope of our service, and the personal encounters we have with the poor and those in need of help. It’s also important to point out to the clergy our Vincentian Spirituality and vocation. One of the priests I heard comment on the Rule offered the opinion that no priest who understood Vincentian Spirituality would not want the Society to be in his parish.  It’s up to us to take our message to the clergy.

All members of the Society should become familiar with Part I and what it says about our members, Conferences and Councils, and about our relationships with Catholic networks of charity, with the Church hierarchy, with civil society and with all groups that include charity and justice in their mission.

Part III of the Rule applies to all Councils, Conferences and members throughout this country. It is comprised of 31 Statutes.

Statutes 1 and 2 lay out our essential elements of Spirituality, Friendship and Service, and our seven Cultural Beliefs.  It is important to review these with all members of the Society and then ask if your Council and Conference members embrace them. Statute 3 says the Society has two types of members – Active and Associate. It is important to understand that Associate Members are more than volunteers. Statute 4 discusses commissioning new members and the annual commitment by all members.  Often the latter is on Ozanam Sunday, the last Sunday of April.

Statutes 5 through 10 discuss Conferences/Councils and their work. Statute 5 says Conferences meet at least twice a month.  The frequency of our meetings helps us develop Vincentian Spirituality and foster Friendship. Statute 6 calls on Conferences to aggregate and Councils to institute. This means they are formally accepted as a part of the International Society. Statutes 7 through 10 show Conferences what a meeting agenda can include, discusses our conduct when visiting those in need, lists our festival meetings, and describes our National, (Arch)Diocesan and District Councils. It is important for every member to know that home visits are always made in pairs. And, by the way, when visiting a woman in need it is always good to have a woman as a member of the home visit team.

Statutes 11 through 21 deal with governance issues and with management. Statutes 11 and 12 refer to Servant Leaders and Servant Leader positions. Servant Leadership has been described as having the 10 following characteristics: Listening, Empathy, Healing, Awareness, Persuasion, Conceptualization, Foresight, Stewardship, Commitment to the Growth of People and Building Community. For a better insight, read an article printed in Vincentian Heritage, Vol. 9, Number 1, 1998 entitled Servant Leadership in the Manner of Saint Vincent  by J. Patrick Murphy, C.M., Ph.D.  This can be found online. Google Vincentian Heritage to find the article.

Statute 13 discusses our regions and their National Vice Presidents. Statute 14 discusses the Society’s employees. Employees can be Active Members. They can only hold office in the Society, however, after their employment by the Society is terminated. Statute 15 describes the Spiritual Advisor.  This is an important position in the Society. Every Conference and every Council should have a Spiritual Advisor. The National Council has material available that will help any Conference member to be able to serve in this position.

Statute 16 discusses subsidiarity and democracy and says that decisions are often made by consensus. When a decision is not reached by consensus a matter can be put to a vote. Statute 17 discusses suspension of members, Conferences and Councils. Suspensions can only be made by our National President. An appeal of a suspension can be made to the National Conciliation Committee. Statute 21 discusses this Committee. Statutes 18 and 19 discuss the election and the removal of a President. Any President who is removed can appeal to the National Board of Directors.

Statute 20 deals with Special Works.  These can remain a part of a Conference’s or Council’s normal operation or the Special Work can be incorporated.  If the latter status is undertaken, the approval of Council or Conference members should be obtained and there should be consultation with the President of the next higher Council. It is important that the Bylaws of an incorporated Special Work provide that the majority of members of the Board of Directors must always be Active Members of the Society.

Statutes 22 through 31 deal with accountability.  Statute 22 requires Conferences and Councils to review their services at least once every three years. This helps Conferences decide whether to keep, suspend or add a service. Statute 23 requires every Council and Conference to maintain accurate records and submit an annual report to the next higher Council annually. The National Council submits its annual report to the Council General International.  Statute 24 calls on Conferences and Councils to “zealously” manage and maintain the assets of the Society and provides that the next higher Council may annually assess dues from Conferences and lower Councils. This also requires the higher Councils to work with Conferences and Councils to determine an appropriate reserve for unanticipated events.

Statute 25 discusses collections to help the poor and maintain the Society’s structure.  Stature 26 makes clear that the funds of the Society are to be used only within the Society and not be diverted to any other organization, no matter how worthy they might be.  Remember that people chose to give funds to the Society and not to another organization. We need to honor that intent. The Society’s Councils and Conferences have many needs although those are often in other areas.  We are, however, One Society.

Statute 27 gives Council Presidents the right to require audits or audit reviews of Conferences and to have access to Conference or Council correspondence sent on behalf of the Society.  Statute 28 discusses allowing members to be reimbursed for expenses they have incurred and Statute 29 provides that we not identify with any political party. No member of a political party can hold any mission of representation in the Society during his or her term in a political office.  Statute 30 discusses amending any of the 31 Statutes and Statute 31 provides that our Statutes are to be interpreted according to the Rule.

Read the Rule. It’s not all that long and when followed assures that all will be well.

─Tom Fahl

A Duty To Delegate: Guidance For Vincentian Leaders

A Duty To Delegate: Guidance For Vincentian Leaders 1198 1198 Pam Hudson

Webster defines the verb “delegate” as “to entrust to another.”  It seems simple enough but isn’t always so when human nature intrudes.

Delegating is a core principle of sound management and our Rule expects Vincentian leaders to practice it.  Yet we frequently hear stories of Conferences and Councils unable to function effectively because presidents want to do everything their way and don’t delegate even basic responsibilities.  We also hear about leaders stepping down because they were “burned out” from placing undue and unwise burdens on themselves. Sadly, fulfilling our mission is often short-circuited by such misguided ideas of how to lead and manage those who share a vocation of service to God and His beloved poor.

Strong collaborative leadership is essential to making our Society a more effective source of help to the needy.  It brings fresh ideas into the operation of Conferences and Councils and moves us forward by promoting our Rule, forming members, and advancing goals and objectives.

Our Rule (3:11) tells us that “Following Christ’s example, the presidents at all levels of the Society endeavor to be servant leaders.  They provide an encouraging atmosphere in which the talents, capacities and spiritual charism of the members are identified, developed and put to the service of the poor and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.”  Such a focus on personal development also can provide a significant boost to a Conference’s or Council’s succession planning efforts.

There is abundant evidence that without effective leadership our service to the poor suffers and the viability of individual Conferences and Councils becomes a concern.  It is a time-tested truth that leadership is as important to the service of the poor as any other role in our Society.

Among the concerns expressed for not stepping into leadership by running for Conference or Council president is that it is too time-consuming.  That can be the case if leaders do not depend on others to assist them.  As a first among equals and as a servant leader, presidents should help others grow into leadership roles by appointing officers, board members and committee chairs – and using them – so it becomes a team effort.  Delegating duties to officers and making use of committees shares a Conference’s workload and enables others to become vital parts of the leadership team.  Presidents do not need to attend all committee meetings.  Committee chairs report back to them and to the membership.  Committees also provide an opportunity to identify and develop capable candidates to move into leadership positions.

Some key points to ponder:

  • Leaders are not expected to act alone – leadership is inherently a collaborative effort.
  • Our Rule recognizes that family and job responsibilities come first.
  • Leadership is not a personal mission but a team mission and God’s mission.
  • There is a need to build a leadership team – officers and committee heads.
  • The basic idea is to spread the work around – let others report to the president.
  • Leaders need to put their trust in God and not lose sight of the spirituality of our mission.
  • Leaders must use the God-given talents of others.

Our mission calls us to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to the poor and needy in the tradition of our founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.  Serving as the president of a Council or Conference provides an ideal platform from which to enhance one’s own spiritual life.  A great privilege of leadership is the priceless opportunity to nurture the spirituality of fellow Vincentians while inspiring them to be ambassadors of the mission of St. Vincent de Paul in our communities by bringing the love and mercy of Christ to His suffering children.

Since our founding, Vincentians have been bolstered by an unwavering trust in the providence of God who has demonstrated during the past 191 years that He attaches a high priority to the success of our Society.  We have, after all, said “yes” to His call.  He wants us to succeed, whatever role we play in His plan for our personal ministry of love and compassion.

What Makes a Good Board Member?

What Makes a Good Board Member? 1198 1198 Pam Hudson

It’s important to know what is involved in being a good Board member. BoardSource, considered the premier voice of nonprofit governance, notes that “While all effective Board members understand and meet their basic responsibilities, truly exceptional Board members do more. They go beyond the basics and pay attention to how they approach Board service. These six characteristics build on straightforward Board duties and focus on key traits of exceptional Board members.”

Click here to read the BoardSource article which explains each characteristic.

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