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Kristen Blacksher

07-18-24 Weekly Questions & Answers

07-18-24 Weekly Questions & Answers 1200 628 Kristen Blacksher

Q: Some of our Conferences have pantries where people come in and pick up food on a regular basis. Other Conferences take food to the homes during a home visit. Other Conferences deliver food as needed and not part of a true home visit. In the past, our reporting of these activities on the “Special Works” form has been somewhat inconsistent. We’d appreciate any clarification. 

A: Anytime a Vincentian takes food to a family it is not a special work, it’s part of what we do with home visits; we take food with us or deliver groceries on home visits. However, if there is a pantry operation or onsite food distribution center where food is picked up then it is a special work. These are two different services provided.

Q: I know that spirituality, service, and friendship are the essential elements of the Society. Is service to our friends in need the most important of the three?

A: The ultimate goal of our existence is to grow in holiness and spend eternity with God; so, spirituality is our highest goal in all things. That being said, we are not strictly a spiritual organization, we are not strictly a social organization, and we are not strictly a service organization. There must be a balance between the three essential elements of the Society. Like a three-legged stool all are needed for good balance.


En Español

P: Algunas de nuestras Conferencias tienen despensas donde la gente viene y  entra para recoger alimentos con regularidad. Otras Conferencias llevan comida a los hogares durante una visita domiciliaria. Otras Conferencias entregan comida según sea necesario y no como parte de una verdadera visita domiciliaria. En el pasado, nuestros informes de estas actividades en el formulario de “Trabajos Especiales” han sido un tanto inconsistentes. Agradeceríamos cualquier aclaración.

R: Cada vez que un Vicentino lleva comida a una familia no es un trabajo especial, es parte de lo que hacemos con las visitas domiciliarias; llevamos comida con nosotros o entregamos comestibles en las visitas domiciliarias. Sin embargo, si hay una operación de despensa o un centro de distribución de alimentos en el lugar donde se recogen los alimentos, entonces se trata de un trabajo especial. Estos son dos servicios diferentes que se brindan.


P: Sé que la espiritualidad, el servicio y la amistad son los elementos esenciales de la Sociedad. ¿Es el servicio a nuestros amigos en necesidad el más importante de los tres?

A: El objetivo último de nuestra existencia es crecer en santidad y pasar la eternidad con Dios; por lo tanto, la espiritualidad es nuestro objetivo principal en todas las cosas. Dicho esto, no somos estrictamente una organización espiritual, no somos estrictamente una organización social, ni somos estrictamente una organización de servicio. Debe haber un equilibrio entre los tres elementos esenciales de la Sociedad. Como un banco de tres patas, todos son necesarios para un buen equilibrio.

Ground Rules for Visitation

Ground Rules for Visitation 1198 1198 Kristen Blacksher

By Mike Syslo, former Chair of the National Governance Committee

There are a set of basic ground rules that should be kept in mind before visiting with those who have requested our help.   It is a good idea to review them on occasion, understand them and put them into practice.

  1. If you are on a witch hunt, stay home.

One of our purposes as members of the Society is to bring the love of God to those who are in need.  You cannot do this if your personal expectation is that the people you visit are on the take, that they are out to get us for whatever they can.  If you believe that the people you are going to visit are going to give you a phony story, if you believe before you actually meet with them that they “are only going to sell the food to get money for cigarettes or alcohol or drugs,” then you have prejudged them and shouldn’t be participating in the interview.  Our role as helper obliges us to keep as open a mind as possible.  Give those we serve the benefit of the doubt – at least until you have heard their story and can make a reasonable judgment as to the validity of the need.  Remember, it is the need we are judging – not the people.  So, the first ground rule calls for you to judge yourself – not the circumstances, not others.  What is your reason for going on this visit?  If you are on a witch hunt, you have no Vincentian reason for being there.  Stay home.

  1. If you are an expert on life, stay home.

Have you ever heard the comment: I’ve lived a long, difficult life and I’ve never had to ask for help.?  (Better yet, have you said such?)  Some people (Vincentians) have a tendency to feel that they know the answers, they’ve heard it all before, they know the circumstances, they know what questions will be asked, and they know what they are going to do to resolve the request before the visit occurs.  The problem with being an expert is that experts have the answers before the questions are asked.  The problem with experts is that they are ready with what needs to be done while the words of the request are still being formed in the mind of the one asking.  The problem with experts is that they don’t listen.  And, that is exactly what is expected of Vincentians: Vincentians must be good listeners.  Vincentians should go on a call with no preset plans in mind.  Vincentians should visit those in need with the spirit of a servant asking their masters “what is it that we can do for you?”  Our Lord has called out to us.  It is He whom we are serving in the person of the poor.  We must go to Him humbly asking what it is He seeks.  But He does expect us to say “yes” when appropriate and “no” also when appropriate.  Be a good listener.  If you are an expert on life, stay home.

  1. If you cannot smile and be pleasant, stay home.

Let’s face it, everyone has a bad day once in a while.  It happens to the worst of us.  It happens to the best of us.  However, as Vincentians we represent Christ to those we serve.  We must be pleasant, loving and caring when we encounter those in need.  Our Lord asked us to love one another as He has loved us.  That’s a tall order and we need to represent Him well.  What this means is that if you are having a bad day, you can’t show it.  And, if you can’t not show it, stay home.  You are doing no one any good – including yourself.

If your normal personality matches the movie title “Grumpy Old Men,” then you shouldn’t be going on home visits.  Grumpy people never provide those they encounter with feelings of love and renewed hope.  That’s part of what we are doing when we go to those in need.  We are showing them that God cares.  He cares so much that He sent us to try to help.  So, if you are a grumpy old man or woman, stay home.

Burnout often reflects itself in rude, crude and downright ugly behavior.  Unfortunately, we never recognize it in ourselves.  It’s always someone else who sees it.  And it is worse if the one who sees it is the one you are supposed to be helping.  If you see this in your partner, make sure he/she stays home.

  1. We are responsible for our effort, not for success.

It would be great to point to every home visit that we make and be able to say, “This is one of our finest success stories.  We did such and such and it really turned things around for this family.  They’re doing great now.”  Well, in doing a reality check, we know better.  We know, in fact, that very few of the families we visit for the first time ever even take the good advice we give them.  That’s part of human nature and we should not expect much more.  So then, what is our role if it is not to change people’s lives and get them on the road to heaven?  Our role in serving those in need is twofold.  First, it is to show those who are in need that God cares about them; He cares so much that He sent us to do what we can to help.  Second, our role is to make life a little bit better for them right now, this moment, to give them some hope.  If we can do more, that’s great.  If not, that’s okay too.

 We are responsible for making the effort to help.  We are responsible for our attitudes, for the amount of love we put into the visit, for the amount of love we put into the advice we give.  We are not responsible for making it all work.  We can give advice but we cannot force those we are trying to help to take the advice and run with it.  We cannot place conditions on the help we give; so we should never refuse to help because they didn’t follow our last advice.  Christ asked us to love one another as He loved us.  His love was unconditional.  Focus on what you can control and that is your effort.  You may walk away from a visit feeling like you have made a real difference or you may feel like you were not able to change anything.  The impact of what you do today may not show up for months or years.  If you are going to make an evaluation of the visit, then evaluate yourself, your effort, the impact of the visit on you, and not whether anything is different for the family you visited.

  1. Judgment not judgmental!

Everyday we are faced with making decisions and everyday we make a choice on each one of those decision points presented to us.  Some of those choices are good, some are bad and some are inconsequential.  We hope for the most part that our decisions are good ones.  When we are faced with what our Lord presents to us on our visit to Him (in someone’s home), we are asked again to make a decision, a choice, a judgment.

We are asked to judge the validity of the need and the level of resources that are available to us.  We are asked to listen to what is presented, observe the surroundings, analyze the circumstances, and evaluate what we have to work with.  It is the need that is important.  Is this real?  Do they really need the groceries?  Do they really need the rent help or is the rent not even due for another two weeks?  Do we have enough money to pay the portion of the bill that they cannot cover?  We are asked to make a judgment – period.

Don’t make your decision based on any one of the many varied lifestyle choices that people make: are they living together instead of being married; is it a mixed marriage; are they just going to take our help and use their own money to buy cigarettes, beer or drugs; is the house filthy and the kids as well; does the whole place smell of stale cigarette smoke or urine; is the old man just lounging on the sofa?  These and a thousand other questions are based on lifestyle choices and cause us to be judgmental.

We are asked to make good judgments about whether to help or not.  We are not to be judgmental about lifestyle choices.  It’s not easy.  We have to deal with mind and heart issues as well as all our life experiences.  Our Lord told us to love one another as He loves us.  Don’t deny someone your help because you disagree with how they choose to live.  Make the judgment – don‘t be judgmental.

  1. Who owns the groceries? Let go!

Letting go is something that has been promoted as a necessary part of maintaining both a good mental and emotional balance.  Essentially the saying is “let go, let God!”  Within our Vincentian way of life we are asked to do the same thing but from a slightly different aspect.

 Often our members place a tremendously high value on the material things that we give to those in need.  Often we are judgmental about the people we serve based on how they deal with the things we give them.  Jesus told us to love one another as He loves us.  And He loves us unconditionally.  He doesn’t attach any strings to the gifts He gives us.  He doesn’t ask us to dance to a particular tune in order to receive the gifts He gives out of love.  And He certainly is not going to withhold any future gifts because we didn’t care very well for what He gave us in the past.

The same should be applied as Vincentians give their gifts to those in need.  There are no strings attached.  Our gifts are unconditional.  When we give a person or family a box of groceries, who owns the groceries?  They do.  When we give a person or family some clothing or some furniture, who owns the merchandise?  They do.  They have ownership.  How they handle it, how they dispose of it is their business.

We are asked to make a judgment about the need that is presented to us.  We are not asked to be judgmental about the actions of the people we are about to help.  Let go.  Judge each case on its own merit.  “The measure with which you measure will be used to measure you.” (Matthew 7:2)

  1. Work within the guidelines of the Conference.

It has been stated in many ways in many St. Vincent de Paul publications: the basic unit of the Society, the most important unit of the Society is the Conference.  It is the Conference that has the resources.  It is the Conference that does the works of charity.  It is the Conference that decides what will and what will not be done.  In the United States, all Conferences are run democratically. All decisions are made by the group.  No individual member has a right to override what the Conference decides.  Every Conference establishes a set of guidelines upon which the members may operate as Vincentians.  Assuming that the guidelines do not contradict the Rule of the Society, it should be understood by all members of the Conference that the guidelines must be followed.

For example, a Conference guideline may allow for any visiting team to spend up to $150 based on their own evaluation of the need and circumstances.  If more than $150 is needed, then it must be brought back to the Conference for a decision.  It would be improper for any visiting team to simply approve payment of or pay a bill for $220.

If the Conference as a group decides not to give any further assistance to a specific family (regardless of reason), it would be wrong for an individual member or visiting team to assist the family in spite of the Conference decision.  All members must work within the guidelines of the Conference.

  1. Your decision is the right one.

The visiting team must have confidence in themselves and their decision-making ability.  They are being asked to make a decision that will affect not only the person/family they are working with but also the Conference.  The visiting team members are the only ones present to hear the story, to ask the questions, to understand the circumstances and to formulate a resolution to the problem.  Their decision is the right one.  The only exception to this is if their decision contradicts a Rule of the Society or a prior decision/guideline made by the Conference.

No one within the Conference has a right to criticize the team for the decision they made.  Other members may make recommendations as to other questions that may be asked in similar circumstances next time, other resources that may be referred, other paths that may be suggested.  But criticism is out.  Our role as Vincentians during the meeting is to bolster, encourage and assist each other.

Always remember: unless you are doing something contrary to your Conference’s prior decisions or contrary to the Society, your decision is the right one.


Take a moment and review all eight of the ground rules.  Essentially, they all deal with attitude.  Attitude is what you bring to the visit.  It affects the way you think and the way you act.  It truly is your contribution to the encounter.  Our Lord presents us with opportunities to serve Him by serving those in need.  It is not so much the material things that we give that are important as what we bring from our hearts.  Let us close with an excerpt from Praying With Frederic Ozanam (pages 92-93, Ron Ramson, C.M.).

Frederic’s Words

            On 21 October 1848, Frederic wrote a remarkable article in his newspaper, the New Era.  The article was entitled “Help Which Humiliates and Help Which Honors.” 

            Help is humiliating when it appeals to men from below, taking heed of their material wants only, paying no attention to those of the flesh, to the cry of hunger and cold, to what excites pity, to what one succors even in the beasts.  It humiliates when there is no reciprocity, when you give the poor man nothing but bread, or clothes, or a bundle of straw – what, in fact, there is no likelihood of his ever giving you in return. . .  But it honors when it appeals to him from above, when it occupies itself with his soul, his religious, moral, and political education, with all that emancipates him from his passions and from a portion of his wants, with those things that make him free, and may make him great.  Help honors when to the bread that nourishes it adds the visit that consoles, the advice that enlightens, the friendly shake of the hand that lifts up the sinking courage; when it treats the poor man with respect, not only as an equal but as a superior, since he is suffering what perhaps we are incapable of suffering; since he is the messenger of God to us, sent to prove our justice and our charity, and to save us by our works.

            Help then becomes honorable because it may become mutual, because every man who gives a kind word, a good advice, a consolation today, may tomorrow stand himself in need of a kind word, an advice, or a consolation; because the hand that you clasp clasps yours in return; because the indigent family whom you love loves you in return, and will have largely acquitted themselves towards you when the old man, the mother, the little children shall have prayed for you.

06-13-2024 Weekly Questions and Answers

06-13-2024 Weekly Questions and Answers 1200 628 Kristen Blacksher

Q:  We are establishing an advisory board for a special project we are embarking on.  There are a lot of good people in the community who can help us, but not all are Catholic.  We heard that the advisory board must be all Catholics.  Is this true?

A:  An advisory board is essentially a committee.  Within the Society, the committees, where possible, should be made up of Vincentians.  But, in some cases, it is necessary to draw committee members from the community because of their background and influence.  As long as the leadership and a majority of the committee is Vincentian, the other members do not have to be Vincentian or Catholic.  The group is “advisory” — meaning that the ultimate decisions will be made by the Vincentians of the controlling Conference or Council.

Q:  Is it possible for a Conference to be named after a person who is beatified but not yet a saint? 

A:  Yes, it is.  However, keep in mind, there is a restriction against naming Conferences for St. Vincent de Paul or Blessed Frederic Ozanam unless the parish in which the Conference is located has that name.

En Español

P: Estamos estableciendo un Consejo asesor para un proyecto especial en el que nos estamos embarcando.  Hay mucha gente buena en la comunidad que puede ayudarnos, pero no todos son Católicos.  Escuchamos que la Mesa Directiva asesora todos los miembros deben ser Católicos.  ¿Es esto cierto?

R: Un Consejo asesor es esencialmente un comité.  Dentro de la Sociedad, los comités, en la medida de lo posible, deben estar formados por Vicentinos.  Pero, en algunos casos, es necesario invitar personas de la comunidad para que formen parte de ese comité debido a sus antecedentes e influencia.  Mientras el liderazgo y la mayoría de los miembros del comité sean Vicentinos, los demás miembros no tienen que ser Vicentinos o Católicos.  Este grupo es “consultivo”, lo que significa que las decisiones finales serán tomadas por los Vicentinos de la Conferencia o Consejo que lo controla.

P: ¿Es posible que una Conferencia lleve el nombre de una persona que ha sido beatificada pero que aún no es santa?

R: Sí, es posible.  Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que existe una restricción sobre el uso de estos nombres para las Conferencias como, San Vicente de Paúl o Beato Federico Ozanam a menos que la parroquia en la que se encuentra la Conferencia tenga ese nombre.

2024 Friends of the Poor Grant Award Winners Announced

2024 Friends of the Poor Grant Award Winners Announced 1600 652 Kristen Blacksher

Congratulations to the winners of the Friends of the Poor Grants from the North Central, Southeast, and Mid-Atlantic Regions! The National Council received 131 grant applications totaling $632,250. Grant awards for this round total $83,500.

SVdP Conferences and District Councils can apply for up to $5,000 from the National Council’s Friends of the Poor Fund. Individual grant award amounts may vary from the application amount, but will not exceed $5,000. Grants are targeted to specific areas of need, above and beyond available Conference resources: assistance for rent/housing, utilities, food, clothing, medical, transportation, and baby/children needs.

Do People Trust You? Advice for Building Trust and Inspiring Confidence

Do People Trust You? Advice for Building Trust and Inspiring Confidence 1198 1198 Kristen Blacksher

By John R. Stoker
President of DialogueWORKS, Inc.

One afternoon as I was passing through the airport on my way home, I ran into a colleague of mine, Stephen M. R. Covey, the author of the book “The Speed of Trust.”  We stopped and exchanged a few pleasantries.  I could tell that he needed to get through security, so I bid him safe travels.

As he was hurrying away, I yelled after him, “I know something faster than the speed of trust.”  He yelled back, “What’s that?”  I responded, “Distrust.”  He laughed as he hurried away and responded, “You’re probably right.”

Think about it for a minute.  Some people will trust you from the beginning of your relationship without having any experience with you.  Others won’t trust you no matter what you do; you really have to work to earn their trust.  Still others begin their relationship with you in a neutral position.  They will wait to see what you say and do before they trust you.

No matter where the trust in any relationship begins, what we know for sure is that it doesn’t take much negative behavior to diminish the trust that people have in you.

Here are a few tips to help you assess your trustworthiness and to increase the confidence people have in you.

  1. Do you walk the talk?

There is probably nothing that erodes trust quicker than saying one thing and then doing another.  The first time this happens, people will take a closer look at your behavior.  But if it happens repeatedly, people will come to distrust you and not believe anything that you say.  You will appear as if you just say what you think people want to hear.  This seeming lack of credibility will cause people to question your intentions and can cause lasting damage to your relationships.

What to do?  Stop and think about what you are about to say, or what purpose your message needs to convey, and then say what you truly mean.  Being deliberate and intentional about your message will increase alignment between your message and your behavior.

  1. Do you keep your commitments?

This is closely associated with the previous question.  Sometimes we make commitments and things change.  When this happens, it is important to acknowledge your commitment and make necessary adjustments.  If you let another commitment take priority over a previous commitment and don’t manage that dynamic, then people will learn to not take you seriously and may not keep their commitments to you.

What to do?  Keep a calendar of your commitments and manage them.  If something changes, then be sure to communicate those changes and make new arrangements as soon as you can.  Don’t blow people off or forget to keep your commitments.  Using some kind of planning or calendaring software will help you to keep your commitments while strengthening the trust that others give you.

  1. Is your behavior consistent?

If you have wild mood swings and are unpredictable, your erratic behavior will lead people to distrust you.  In one of my first corporate positions, I had a manager who had broad swings in behavior and mood.  You never knew if your performance would be celebrated or trashed in front of others.  The first person to arrive in the morning would test the waters and then alert everyone at the coffee machine if we could engage with our manager or should make ourselves scarce that day.  Consequently, few people felt that they could fully trust him.

What to do?  Notice if people approach you and ask for your input or support on their work.  If you are not approached by others, perhaps you could find a respected colleague and ask for feedback about how you come across.  If someone will be honest with you, listen to what they have to say.  Ask for examples and thank them when they finish.  If you find that people are unsure about how to approach you, strategize some ways to manage your behavior and mood so it is more predictable and consistent.

  1. Do you misrepresent the truth?

This happens more frequently than people would like to admit.  People are often afraid to speak up and tell it like it is, fearing the perceived negative consequences that could occur.  This perception will have a negative impact on behavior.  When people don’t keep their commitments or meet expectations of performance, then they feel forced to cover their mistakes to justify their behavior.  This leads others to avoid interacting with those individuals and to distrust the stories they offer as excuses for their behavior.

What to do?  If you find yourself misrepresenting or exaggerating situations, then you are at risk to not be taken seriously and are setting yourself up to be distrusted.  Stretching the truth and making excuses can become a habitual response.  If this is often your first reaction, recognizing your tendency to do it, determining your motivation behind this response and correcting it will go a long way toward building trust.

  1. Do you withhold information from others?

This is usually a power play of sorts where people make themselves the gatekeeper of what others need to know to do their work.  Such behavior leads to frustration on the part of others and also can lead to people not sharing information that you may need.  Withholding information also leads people to figure out how to work around you so they have as little interaction as possible.

Sometimes, for legal reasons, you may not be able to tell others what you know.  When this is the case and others press you for information, you simply need to tell people that you can’t tell them about a certain situation because of legal ramifications to you and your company.

What to do?   Ask people what information they need and, specifically, identify deadlines.  Look to offer support and address others’ needs and concerns to increase the success of those that rely on you in some way.  When people ask you for information that you can’t share, simply manage the situation and tell them that.  They will understand.

  1. Do you gossip about others?

Nothing will erode trust quicker than talking about others behind their back.  Unfortunately, people often talk about others rather than to others.  When you gossip, your behavior tells your listener that if you would talk about someone else, then you would also talk about them.  Although they may listen to you and engage in the gossip, they won’t trust you.  This kind of behavior ruins relationships, destroys company culture and creates emotional drama that everyone would rather avoid.

What to do?  Stop it.  If you have an issue with someone, talk to the person you need to talk to and avoid the rumor mill that puts people on negative alert but never solves the problem.  Otherwise you will just get more of the same – poor results and no trust.

  1. Do you throw others under the bus?

This behavior usually takes place when someone is trying to avoid responsibility or accountability for the results that were created.  Sometimes, when others have not kept their commitments to you, their behavior has a direct negative effect on your results.  When this is the case, ask yourself, “Did I manage the situation in such a way that kept them from being successful?  Did I do my part to help them to be successful and to achieve the desired results?”  Sometimes we become so busy and have so many things to do that we fail to manage a person or a situation in an optimal fashion.

What to do?  Be responsible and take accountability for managing others, facilitating activities that will produce the desired results.  When things don’t go as planned, examine your part in the process and accept ownership.  Doing so will go a long way to creating and strengthening trust.

  1. Do you keep confidences?

Someone once told me that there is no such thing as a secret until the person you told it to is dead.  If someone shares something sensitive and important with you in confidence, unless there is a specific and legal reason not to, you should keep those things confidential.  If you are going to share something important with another person, you should assume that sometime or somewhere what you share will be shared with someone else.

  1. Are you supportive of others?

Nothing increases trust like being sincerely interested in and supportive of others and their efforts.  If you are a leader and you frequently ask people what they need from you and how you can help and support them, they will feel the satisfaction that comes in knowing someone cares about them and their success.  That care and concern will translate into increased trust.

What to do?  Check in frequently and offer support.  This will afford you the opportunity to get to know them, how they are doing and what you can help them with.  Making interpersonal connections such as these will improve their work and their performance.

Our interactions with others serve either to build trust within our relationships or call it into question.  Recognize that what you do and say is the first step in building and strengthening trust.  As you consciously work to increase others’ confidence in you, your interactions will improve and you will achieve greater results.  And, you’ll never have to worry about the speed of distrust.

Connect with John R. Stoker on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. 

05-09-2024 Questions & Answers

05-09-2024 Questions & Answers 1200 628 Kristen Blacksher

Q: One of our Conferences organizes a group of volunteers, some Vincentians and some not, to cook an evening meal once a month. Another Conference undertakes a “Christmas Giving Program” at its church, whereby parishioners take a tag to donate a gift. The gifts are returned and the Conference delivers the gifts to a community agency, who will distribute them to the needy. There is no Vincentian visit with the ultimate recipients. How are these reported on the Conference annual reports?

A: These can be considered Vincentian activities, but only the hours of the members should be recorded. If funds of the Conference are used to buy food or gifts, then the expenditures can be recorded also.

Q: Under the “Total Hours of Service: Members,” would you please clarify the instructions for including the time members spend attending meetings?

A: All meetings attended by members in their capacity as Vincentians should be counted as service hours, with no distinction of the type of meeting attended.


En Español

P: Una de nuestras Conferencias organiza un grupo de voluntarios, algunos Vicentinos y otros no, para preparar una cena una vez al mes. Otra Conferencia lleva a cabo un “Programa de Donaciones de Navidad” en su iglesia, en el que los feligreses se llevan una tarjeta para donar un regalo. Los regalos se recogen y la Conferencia entrega los regalos a una agencia comunitaria que los distribuirá a las personas en necesidad. No hay una visita Vicentina con los destinatarios finales. ¿Cómo se incluyen estos informes en los informes anuales de la Conferencia?

R: Estas pueden considerarse actividades Vicentinas, pero solo se deben registrar las horas trabajadas por los miembros. Si fondos de la Conferencia se utilizan para comprar alimentos o regalos, también se pueden registrar en los gastos.

P: En la sección “Total de horas de servicio: miembros”, ¿podría aclarar las instrucciones en las que se indica que se debe incluir el tiempo que los miembros dedican al asistir a las reuniones?

R: Todas las reuniones a las que asistan los miembros en su calidad de Vicentinos deben contarse como horas de servicio sin distinción del tipo de reunión a la que asistan.

Wage Justice

Wage Justice 1500 1125 Kristen Blacksher

By Lori A. Malcom, Director of Retail Operations
Northeast Region – Council of Boston

Employee wages are one of the store’s largest budgeted expenses. How do you know if you are paying a just wage?

Overpaying for a position is just that, overpaying, the cost for which is quantifiable. If you know what the wage should be.

Underpaying a position can be even more costly. High turnover rates have a negative effect on the bottom line, as well as employee morale. So, what should you do?

First you need to understand that for most of our non-exempt positions, minimum wage is not meant to be a living wage for our employees. Minimum wage fluctuates throughout the USA. States adjust the federal minimum wage ($7.25 per hour) for cost-of-living considerations within the states however, many states use the federal minimum wage for their state. This can make determining where you stand with your wages very daunting.

Thankfully, there are resources if you are open to the objective data they provide.

Recently the Council of Boston subcontracted a comprehensive wage survey of all positions and targeted the mid-range for all positions.

Job descriptions including job duties, responsibilities and accountability were produced, and submitted to the contractor. The contractor used a very comprehensive and detailed approach, including national, regional, and local employment databases.

The result was a compensation report for each job description. In our case, we were a little more than 10% under the midrange, overall.

Some positions were close to the midrange, where others were under.

This was quite a revelation. We used this tool to make recommended changes to our wage scale, and budgeted increases beginning October 1, 2023.

Our employees have been very gracious, and the atmosphere is incredibly positive. We have reduced our unfilled positions by 75% and our employee turnover has almost disappeared.

The cost for this wage survey was $6,000 for sixty-six employees, which may seem like a lot to spend, but it has been an extremely helpful tool for us.

Although some best practices can be regional, this one applies to all regions regardless of the demographics surveyed.


We hope you are planning to attend the National Assembly in August in Phoenix, AZ.  The National Stores Committee is actively planning for a great program for you.

In addition to our daylong program on Wednesday, we will have opportunities to visit a store and have workshops planned for Thursday.

Topics may include small and large store issues like merchandising, budgeting, POS, advertising, training, store layouts, budgeting, staffing, volunteers, productivity, vehicle tracking, E-Comm, loyalty cards and voucher processing, vehicle tracking.

We encourage you to talk to your store managers and leadership about attending the National Assembly. It is a wonderful opportunity to network with and meet others around the country to share best practices.

05-02-2024 Questions & Answers

05-02-2024 Questions & Answers 1200 628 Kristen Blacksher

Q: What are the guidelines for an internal Conference audit?

A: The Rule and Bylaws emphasize the need for an annual Conference audit. An SVdP audit should cover more than just the Treasurer’s financial portion of Conference operations. It should include a basic review of the overall operations of the Conference. Audit guidelines and forms are on the national website under the Growth and Revitalization officers training page. Click here to learn more.

Q: Our Conference reached out to the Council for financial assistance to help someone in need and the Council advised they could not help because the person in need contacted the Conference for assistance and NOT the Council. What is the purpose for having a Council?

A: A Council primarily exists to support its member Conferences. This consists of many resources which may or may not include financial help. If the Council has available funds, financial assistance to Conferences in need may be considered.

En Español

P: ¿Cuáles son las directrices para una auditoría interna de la Conferencia?

R: La Regla y los Estatutos enfatizan la necesidad de una auditoría anual de la Conferencia. Una auditoría de SVdP debe cubrir más que solo la parte financiera del Tesorero sobre las operaciones de la Conferencia. Debería incluir un análisis básico del funcionamiento general de la Conferencia. Directrices y formularios de auditoría en el sitio de la red nacional en la página de Capacitación de Oficiales, Crecimiento – Revitalización, aquí está el enlace: https://members.ssvpusa.org/growth-revitalization/conference-officer-training/.

 P: Nuestra Conferencia se dirigió al Consejo en busca de asistencia financiera para servir a alguien en necesidad y el Consejo informó que no podían ayudar porque la persona en necesidad se comunicó con la Conferencia para obtener asistencia y NO con el Consejo. ¿Cuál es el propósito de tener un Consejo?

R: El propósito principal de la existencia de un Consejo es apoyar a las Conferencias que lo componen. Esto consiste en muchos recursos que pueden o no incluir ayuda financiera. Si el Consejo dispone de fondos, se podría considerar la posibilidad de prestar asistencia financiera a las Conferencias que lo necesiten.

A Council’s Job One: Serve The Conferences

A Council’s Job One: Serve The Conferences 1198 1198 Kristen Blacksher

(Excerpted From Vincentian Life: Council)


Conferences should have a voice in every major decision.  No Voice, no Vote, no Vincentian will be at the meeting or activity.  It is important that every Conference is represented at the District Council and that the Conference President (or his/her designated representative) is there to speak for them.

Most Council bylaws have a clause that will remove a Conference President from Council membership/voice/vote if the President misses a certain number of meetings.  This removal is a tragedy for the Council, the Conference and the people we serve.


Conferences should be aware of all conditions and circumstances both local and global that will impact them or the Council.  Conferences should be especially aware of any major situation that threatens the well-being of the Council.  Therefore, it is an obligation of the Council to keep the Conferences well-informed and in a timely manner.

The Council should strive to develop a fabric of communication.  One that goes up and down the normal channels but also goes sideways from Conference to Conference and from Vincentian to Vincentian.  A strong fabric of communication will strengthen the Council and avoid the problems of it relying on a few people to make it run.  If those few leave the Council for any reason it can take weeks or months to learn all that needs to be known on how the Council operates.  A fabric of communications creates an informal communications network that helps keep the members informed.


Conferences should be involved on a regular and frequent basis in the operation of the Council.  This can be accomplished by involving them as Council Members, as volunteers, as committee members, on special projects, on fundraising, in special works, in general membership meetings and in every other way that may be appropriate.


The Council should provide formation and training to all members of the Council especially new Vincentians.  The National Formation and Spirituality Committee has developed formation/training programs that are available across the country.  The National website (https://members.ssvpusa.org/)  has many documents, presentations, etc. available that should be used to form and train Vincentians.

By a resolution of the National Council, all new members of the Society have to attend an Ozanam Orientation within their first year as a member.  Also, any member, who is elected to or appointed to be an officer at any level in the Society, must have attended an Ozanam Orientation or must attend one within the first year as an officer. It is highly recommended that all members of the Society attend the Ozanam Orientation at least once.  Attending the Ozanam Orientation every three to four years as a refresher is recommended for all members.

This places a burden on the Council.  The Council must provide the Ozanam Orientation formation program within the Council area as often as is necessary to fulfill the requirements for training prescribed by the National Council.  If the District Council lacks the resources to provide the Ozanam Orientation on an as needed basis, it should seek assistance from the next higher Council to provide this training.


Conference visitation by a District Council (District Council visitation by a Diocesan Council) is an extremely important responsibility of the Council.  The Officers and Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director should each attend one Conference (Council in case of Diocesan Council) meeting each month to facilitate communications and solidarity with them.  That means that five meetings a month could be attended if the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director each participate.  In many District Councils, this would mean that each Conference is visited at least twice a year.  For Diocesan Councils, coverage depends on the frequency of District meetings.  A staff person should come along on some of the visits to explain what that department or special work does and how they can assist the Conference/Council.


A planned program for youth involvement is very important.  Many aids are available for recruitment, involvement and understanding how we can utilize one of our greatest assets.  There are so many aids now available, such as brochures, outlines of how to start a youth conference, Power Point recruitment and many more.   There are Regional Youth chairs you can contact that are eager to offer ideas and assistance.  With no intent to overuse an old cliché, “youth are our future.”


The United States is a melting pot of race, creed, language, and culture.  It is important that our Conferences reflect the diversity of our local community within its membership.  Councils should emphasize awareness of community demographics and assist Conferences to build their membership based on who comprises their community.  Councils should also strive to develop diverse leadership both within the Conferences and Councils themselves.

The Eucharist and Social Mission: May 30th Webinar

The Eucharist and Social Mission: May 30th Webinar 1600 651 Kristen Blacksher
The Eucharist and Social Mission

Join us on May 30 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time to reflect on The Eucharist and Social Mission: Body of Christ, Broken for the World during the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. Together, we will break open the Theology of the Eucharist and consider how our liturgical practice calls us to be missionary disciples, going forth from the Eucharistic meal to accompany those who are poor and vulnerable. This webinar will also provide practical examples, resources, and tools to help our Eucharistic communities live the call to transform all that degrades human life and dignity and create systemic change. This virtual event is co-sponsored by the Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Charities USA, Catholic Relief Services, and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Register here


En Español

Acompáñennos el 30 de mayo de 2024 a las 7:00 p.m., hora del este, para reflexionar sobre La Eucaristía y la Misión Social: El Cuerpo de Cristo, Partido y Entregado por el Mundo durante la Solemnidad del Corpus Christi. Juntos, profundizaremos sobre la Teología de la Eucaristía y consideraremos cómo nuestra práctica litúrgica nos llama a ser discípulos misioneros, saliendo del alimento eucarístico para acompañar a los más pobres y vulnerables. Este seminario web también proporcionará ejemplos prácticos, recursos y herramientas para ayudar a nuestras comunidades a transformar todo lo que degrada la vida y la dignidad humana y crear cambios sistémicos. Este evento virtual es copatrocinado por el Departamento de Justicia, Paz y Desarrollo Humano de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos, la Asociación Nacional Católica de Directores Diocesanos para el Ministerio Hispano, el Consejo Nacional Católico para el Ministerio Hispano, Caridades Católicas de los Estados Unidos, Catholic Relief Services y la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl. Regístrense aquí.


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