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Jill Pioter

Welcoming New National Partner GivingArts.org

Welcoming New National Partner GivingArts.org 778 212 Jill Pioter

Giving Arts is a philanthropic company that supports both artists and nonprofit organizations like the Society of St. Vincent de Paul by giving artists a place to sell beautiful wall art, home decor, and other gifts and lifestyle products, and providing SVdP with a unique fundraising opportunity in the process.

Donors and Vincentians who shop at GivingArts.org will be able to give 50% of the net profits from their purchases to SVdP.

To support SVdP USA by shopping at Giving Arts, just visit our page on their website. You can learn more about Giving Arts’ mission by watching this video:

Conference Fundraising Opportunities Available

And there are more ways to support the Society by shopping at Giving Arts! Because Giving Arts is a trusted national partner, we are giving Conferences the opportunity to fundraise through Giving Arts. To learn more about this exciting fundraising opportunity for your Conference, please contact Michele Schurk, Manager of National Events, at (314) 576-3993, ext. 223, or mschurk@svdpusa.org.

2-17-2022 Questions and Answers

2-17-2022 Questions and Answers 1200 628 Jill Pioter

Q: We have a separately incorporated store who is choosing to operate independently from the Council. What do we need to consider in discussing this with them?

A: Every effort must be made to recover the members and store operation. The following are considerations related to what might occur.

  • All entities of the Society operating within a Council area are subject to the authority of that Council regardless of whether or not they are independently incorporated.
  • The authority of the Council is recognized and acknowledged by the Council General International when the Council was instituted.
  • Failure of the store or special work to recognize that authority is grounds for that entity to be removed from the Society. This does not give the store or special work authority to continue in operation outside of the Society. The assets of the store or special work were acquired under the name of the Society and, therefore, the store or special work must be dissolved and the assets returned to the Society.
  • In some cases, actions may warrant formal removal of some members from the Society.

Possible outcomes are not absolute; every effort must be made to reconcile and recover.

Q: Is there anything in the Rule that covers discussions of those we serve via email? What about sending mail to spouses that are not both Vincentians but share an email address? 

A: Confidentiality is highly emphasized within the Society. The Rule does not address technology and it shouldn’t since technology changes and improves constantly. Information about those we serve and who they are can only be shared among Vincentians unless specific written and signed authorization is given by the those we serve. So, email may be used to discuss information about those we serve as long as that information is protected and not allowed to be seen by those who are not Vincentians. That email should not be forwarded to non-Vincentians and, if printed, should not be allowed to be seen by non-Vincentians. If you cannot ensure this, then don’t use email. This concept holds true for Conference minutes, lists of active people we serve, treasurer reports, etc.  A shared email address may be used as long as all parties to that shared email understand and are willing to comply with our confidentiality standards.

Spanish Translation

P: Tenemos una tienda incorporada por separado que está eligiendo operar independientemente del Consejo. ¿Qué debemos tener en cuenta al hablar de esto con ellos?

R: Se debe hacer todo lo posible para recuperar los miembros y el funcionamiento de la tienda. Las siguientes son consideraciones relacionadas con lo que podría ocurrir.

  • Todas las entidades de la Sociedad que operan dentro del área de un Consejo están sujetas a la autoridad de ese Consejo independientemente de si están o no incorporadas de manera independiente.
  • La autoridad del Consejo es conocida y reconocida por el Consejo General Internacional cuando se instituyó el Consejo.
  • Si la tienda o el trabajo especial falta de reconocer esa autoridad, es motivo para que esa entidad sea removida de la Sociedad. Esto no le da autoridad a la tienda o trabajo especial para continuar operando fuera de la Sociedad. Los bienes de la tienda o obra especial fueron adquiridos a nombre de la Sociedad y, por tanto, la tienda o obra especial debe ser disuelta y los bienes devueltos a la Sociedad.
  • En algunos casos, las acciones pueden justificar la remoción formal de algunos miembros de la Sociedad.

Los resultados posibles no son absolutos; se debe hacer todo lo posible para reconciliarse y recuperarse.

P: ¿Hay algo en la Regla que cubra las discusiones de aquellos a quienes servimos por correo electrónico? ¿Qué pasa con el envío de correo a cónyuges que no son Vicencianos pero comparten una cuenta?

R: La confidencialidad es muy enfatizada dentro de la Sociedad. La Regla no aborda la tecnología y no debería hacerlo, ya que la tecnología cambia y mejora constantemente. La información sobre aquellos a quienes servimos solo se puede compartir entre los Vicentinos, a menos que aquellos a quienes servimos otorguen una autorización específica por escrito y firmada. Por lo tanto, el correo electrónico se puede usar para discutir información sobre aquellos a quienes servimos, siempre que esa información esté protegida y no se permita que la vean quienes no son Vicentinos. Ese correo electrónico no debe enviarse a personas que no sean vicentinas y, si se imprime, no debe permitirse que los no Vicentinas lo vean. Si no puede asegurar esto, entonces no use el correo electrónico. Este concepto es válido para las actas de la Conferencia, las listas de personas activas a las que servimos, los informes del tesorero, etc. Se puede usar una dirección de correo electrónico compartida siempre que todas las partes de ese correo electrónico compartido comprendan y estén dispuestas a cumplir con nuestros estándares de confidencialidad.

A Vitally Important Relationship

A Vitally Important Relationship 1200 628 Jill Pioter


The Society’s right to exist as a Catholic lay association is set out in Canon Law. However, we cannot do so without permission. We are allowed as a Catholic lay organization to serve within the diocese at the pleasure of and with the support of the Bishop. The Bishop has the right and authority to invite us to operate in his diocese as well as the right and authority to tell us to close up shop and leave. This holds true at the parish level as well. A Conference operates in the parish with the permission of the Pastor. It is extremely important to the Society that Council and Conference Presidents maintain an excellent relationship with the Bishop and Pastors in the Diocese. More so, it is the responsibility of the President to ensure that the relationship is a good one.


The Bishop should be furnished with a full report of our activities, our results and our goals at least annually in a personal visit by the Council President. It should include ALL of our service by Conferences and Councils that exist within the Diocese. It should also include our National Consolidated Annual Report so the Bishop can assess our total impact and compare his Diocese to the rest of the dioceses in the country. As with the Bishop, the Pastor of a parish where a Conference exists should be furnished with a summary report of our activities and results at least annually in a personal visit by the Conference President. Quarterly, would be better if the Pastor has time. The Parishioners who support our work should have at least an annual report of how their money was used. This can be done in the parish bulletin or some similar method.


The Bishop and/or Pastor should be informed immediately of any incident that occurs that could result in significant harmful conflict or publicity. The Bishop and/or Pastor should never be placed in the role of having to clean up our mess. The Society should be proactive (after consulting with the Bishop and/or Pastor where appropriate) in dealing with any situation that comes up. Bishops and Pastors expect the Society to operate on its own, only keeping them informed where necessary. Resolve all differences with the Clergy no matter how small as soon as possible in a spirit of cooperation and common goal.

2-10-2022 Questions and Answers

2-10-2022 Questions and Answers 150 150 Jill Pioter

Q: The philosophy of the Conference to which I belong is to help people get over an emergency situation, not to offer continual ongoing support. Is this a correct position for a Conference to take in dealing with people who come to us with needs? Our philosophy is not related to our not having sufficient funds to help.

A: The Society of St. Vincent de Paul does NOT help “in emergencies only” or “only once each year.” It is the philosophy of the Society to “treat each case on its own merit.” It has nothing to do with how often a person or family comes to us for help. It has everything to do with whether or not the need is real, and if we have resources to help. It has everything to do with compassion toward those in need and sharing God’s love with those seeking help. It has everything to do with finding Jesus in the face of the poor. If your Conference has any limitations in your guidelines which prevent you from helping people, consider removing them. Our guidelines should be emphasizing how we can help people – not turn them away.

Q: How should Councils/Conferences hold elections during COVID-19 while practicing social distancing? How can elections by email meet the requirements of the Rule for a secret ballot vote by active members?

A: It is important to hold timely elections. The important thing to remember is that the Rule does not change, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. While practicing social distancing, Vincentians are being creative in conducting Society affairs. For example, election ballots can be mailed to active members with self-addressed postage paid return envelopes for secrecy. The completed ballots are then returned to the nominating committee chair for the committee count and results. This is announced by Conference call or virtual meetings such as Zoom video. The election results are published in the minutes afterwards.

Spanish Translation

P: La filosofía de la Conferencia a la que pertenezco es ayudar a las personas a superar una situación de emergencia, no ofrecer un apoyo continuo de largo plazo. ¿Es correcta para una Conferencia al tratar con personas que vienen a nosotros con necesidades? Nuestra filosofía no está relacionada con que no tengamos fondos suficientes para ayudar.

R: La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl NO ayuda “solo en emergencias” o “solo una vez al año”. La filosofía de la Sociedad es “tratar cada caso según sus propios méritos.” No tiene nada que ver con la frecuencia con la que una persona o familia viene a nosotros para buscar ayuda. Tiene mucho que ver con si la necesidad es real o no, y si tenemos recursos para ayudar. Tiene todo que ver con la compasión hacia los que tienen necesidades y compartir el amor de Dios con los que buscan ayuda. Tiene todo que ver con encontrar a Jesús en el rostro de los pobres. Si su conferencia tiene limitaciones en sus pautas que le impiden ayudar a las personas, considere eliminarlas. Nuestras pautas deben enfatizar cómo podemos ayudar a las personas, no rechazarlas.

P: ¿Cómo deben los Consejos/Conferencias celebrar elecciones durante COVID-19 mientras practican el distanciamiento social? ¿Cómo pueden las elecciones por correo electrónico cumplir con los requisitos de la Regla para una votación secreta de los miembros activos?

R: Es importante celebrar elecciones con tiempo. Lo importante a recordar es que la Regla no cambia, incluso durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Mientras practican el distanciamiento social, los Vicentinos están siendo creativos en la conducción de los asuntos de la Sociedad. Por ejemplo, las boletas electorales se pueden enviar por correo a los miembros activos con sobres de devolución (que incluyen franqueo pagado y la dirección para regresarlos) para mantener el secreto. Luego, las boletas completadas se devuelven al presidente del comité de nominaciones para el conteo y los resultados del comité. Esto se anuncia por conferencia telefónica o reuniones virtuales en Zoom o algo así. Los resultados de las elecciones se publican después en las actas.


Stores and Special Works

Stores and Special Works 1200 628 Jill Pioter


One essential principle must be kept in mind. No store or other special work can exist as a standalone entity within the Society. Every store and/or special work must be owned and operated by a Council or Conference. A Council or Conference, for specific reasons, may set up a store or special work with its own Tax ID and tax exemption; however, the entity must still be clearly designated through all of its organizing documents as a subsidiary of the Council or Conference that established it. The store’s or special work’s information must also be included in the annual report of the Council or Conference that owns and operates it. It is directly contrary to the Rule to establish a special work as a standalone organization using the Society’s resources to do so. This would be the equivalent to giving SVdP funds to an outside organization, a direct conflict with the Rule.


All stores and special works committees report to the Council or Board. The committee is advisory and a resource of time and talent, not managerial. Staff of the stores and special works are given their responsibilities by the Council through its President or by the Council through a Chief Executive Officer/ Executive Director.


All stores and special works exist for the furtherance of our core missions – not for building a business within the Society. Saving profits to open another bigger, better store or special work is not Vincentian work if little or none of the income goes to the poor. One store in the Western Region was saving all of its profit for several years to open a bigger store. No money was going to the poor. The SVdP mission must be kept in mind and movement toward it at all times.


All stores and special works are controlled and operated for our missions by Vincentians. All stores and special works have the element of Vincentian person-to-person service to God’s poor. We do not hire staff or an outside group or business to exclusively service those in need. The Council, not the staff, makes the overall policy decisions to establish stores and special works. The Council may delegate some of the day to day work to the staff through the President or the Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director. If there are no Vincentians directly involved in the operation of the stores or special works, it should be reexamined to determine if it truly meets our Vincentian Rule.

National Reentry Task Force (NRTF) / Immersion Mentors Now Available

National Reentry Task Force (NRTF) / Immersion Mentors Now Available 1200 628 Jill Pioter

Each year more than 600,000 individuals are released from state and federal prisons. Another nine million cycle through local jails. More than two-thirds of prisoners are rearrested within three years of their release and half are reincarcerated. These are staggering statistics.  In fact, nationally, nearly 30% of those we serve have been directly impacted by incarceration.

In order to proactively respond, has your Council or Conference ever thought about taking on a reentry program? You may ask, what is reentry, what does it mean? Reentry is the process of leaving jail or prison and returning to society. Reentry programs are designed to assist returning citizens with a successful transition to their community after they are released.

If this seems like a worthwhile project to undertake, but possibly too daunting a challenge, consider working with one of the many SVdP existing programs operating throughout the nation. Just as mentoring is a key component in an effective Reentry program, members of the NRTF and Immersion are offering to mentor any SVdP Diocesan Council, District Council, or Conference that wants to begin a program in their community.

In the same way Conferences respond to the specific needs of their communities, so do Reentry programs focus on the needs in their local areas – perhaps the local jail or a nearby prison. Every program takes on key components and designs a program that fits the needs of their local returning citizens. Most are challenged first with the need for housing and jobs to create stability in their lives. Community and spiritual support are also offered along the way.

If you haven’t started a program and would like someone to guide you through the process or if you are in the beginning stages and need assistance connecting with the essential people at the Department of Corrections, Sherriff’s Office, or any of the local officials whose support is necessary, please contact reach out to a member of the National Reentry Task Force or an appropriate staff with the National Council, and you will be connected with a mentor who can walk you through the steps needed to provide this essential service to a vulnerable segment of our population.

With questions or to have a conversation, please contact Heather Fullerton at hfullerton@svdpusa.org or Steve Havemann, Co-Chair of the Reentry Task Force at execdir@svdpdsm.org

Thank you,

Judy Dietlein, National Reentry Task Force Member

2-3-2022 Questions and Answers

2-3-2022 Questions and Answers 1200 628 Jill Pioter

Q: We have a neighbor in need of one of the Conferences that is being looked for by the police. I don’t know if the Conference knows where she is, but they do know the location of a storage facility that is owned by the person. Can the Conference disclose this information, either voluntarily or by a summons? I think not, but I wasn’t sure. Please advise.

A: This is different from a seal of confession. We do not voluntarily share information with other agencies. However, if there is a legal summons made requesting information, we comply. To voluntarily provide information to the police is a matter of conscience. It would really depend on the seriousness of the matter. You have to discern what withholding the information could mean in the long run. Is it likely that people will be hurt (physically, emotionally, or economically) by withholding the information? Decisions like this require a lot of prayer.

Q: One of our Vincentians has asked if our Conference can spend funds to improve the poor boxes in our parish church. We receive the contents of the boxes each week. They’ve gotten a little shabby, and our pastor has been working on improving the church’s environment with new pews, new stations, etc. Is this allowed?

A: Since the funds from the poor box are given to SVdP, the Conference may purchase replacements for the poor boxes and treat it as operating expenses. However, the Conference may not contribute funds directly to the parish to do so.

Spanish Translation

P: La policía está buscando a unos de nuestros vecinos que tienen necesidades. No sé si la Conferencia sabe dónde está, pero sí conoce la ubicación de una instalación de almacenamiento que es propiedad de la persona. ¿Puede la Conferencia divulgar esta información, ya sea voluntariamente o por citación? Creo que no, pero no estaba seguro. Por favor avise.

R: Esto es diferente de un sello de confesión. No compartimos información de manera proactiva con otras agencias. Sin embargo, si hay una citación legal solicitando información, cumplimos porque cumplimos la ley. Proporcionar voluntariamente información a la policía es una cuestión de conciencia. Realmente dependería de la gravedad del asunto. Tienes que discernir lo que podría significar retener la información a largo plazo. ¿Es probable que lastime a mucha gente (física, emocional o económicamente) al retener la información? Decisiones como esta requieren mucha oración.

P: Uno de nuestros Vicentinos ha preguntado si nuestra Conferencia puede gastar fondos para mejorar las cajas de limosnas en nuestra iglesia parroquial. Recibimos el contenido de las cajas cada semana. Se han deteriorado un poco y nuestro pastor ha estado mejorando el ambiente de la iglesia con nuevas bancas, nuevas estaciones, etc. ¿Está permitido?

R: Dado que los fondos de la caja se entregan a SVdP, la Conferencia puede comprar reemplazos para las cajas de limosnas y tratarlos como gastos operativos. Sin embargo, la Conferencia no puede contribuir fondos directamente a la parroquia para hacerlo.

Council Finances

Council Finances 1200 628 Jill Pioter


Council finances should be fully disclosed to all members of the Council on a regular basis. They can be disseminated to all Vincentians through Council members or a regular mailing. The frequency depends somewhat on the extent of the Council’s financial activities, but no less than once a quarter. As with Council action items financial reports should be furnished to Council/Board members well before the Council/Board meeting.

There should be some basic training for all Council/Board members on how to read and understand a Balance Sheet and a Profit and Loss Statement. This needs to be given periodically as new Council/Board members begin their term.


If the Council has stores and/or special works, a full audit by a CPA or accounting firm should be accomplished annually. There are three levels of audits: Compilation, Review, and Full Audit. Select the one appropriate to the size and complexity of your Council. Those smaller Councils that have no stores or special works may plan and execute an informal audit. In any case, a Council audit should be performed annually.

A copy of the audit report should be given to each Council/Board member and discussed at the Council/Board meeting. Results of the audit should be made known to all subsidiary Councils and Conferences. Pay particular attention to any changes suggested to operations or record keeping that are in the report. The Council is accountable to its subsidiaries and upper Councils for the results of the audit. Statements on the audit of impropriety must be addressed before the next audit.


A budget should be developed each year. The Council financial report should show how closely the operation is tracking with the budget each month. Any significant variance that develops should be dealt with in an established “process” manner. If the need for correction persists, action is required by the Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director, Board, or Council. Expenses can be well predicted. It is the income that is uncertain. Don’t fall into the trap of balancing the budget by simply increasing the expected income.

The budget should be formally approved by the Council. It should be treated as a governance document that the Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director and staff must operate within. However, staff should have the latitude to make decisions within the limits of the budget without exceeding those limits.


Adequate insurance coverages and limits should be maintained. It should include Directors and Officers Liability, Employee Practices, and Sexual Abuse coverage to protect the Council in addition to the normal coverages of Property, Liability, Vehicle, and etc. The Liability Insurance should include coverage for all members and volunteers. Annual evaluations should be made of all insurance policies.

An annual update of values should be done on all property insurance. Experts in appraisal, construction, banking, or insurance can be called upon to assist. The cost of insurance is extremely low in comparison to an uninsured or underinsured claim. Determine the cost to replace/rebuild with outside contractors, not the market value of the property.

In most cases of Council operations, limits of $1,000,000 would be considered inadequate. Establish limits with the advice of experts.


Fundraising, as a general rule, is a long-term project. There may be various short-term fundraising projects that are planned but they should be part of a large effort. Develop a fundraising plan and work the plan over a long period of time. Adjust the plan as needed but the most important aspect is to make it a day to day process at all times. Don’t rely on a few resources; continue to search out new avenues to finance our work. The old tried and true may have been discovered by many other nonprofits resulting in less income than in the past.


Establish a reserve fund if the Council has works that require payroll, bank payments or any other ongoing expenses. Decide how long a period of operation you would need to fund in case of loss of the normal source of funding or some operational disaster. This gives you time to adjust operations in case of unexpected losses in any year.

The Manual suggests 50% of annual budget (a six-month reserve). This may be too much depending on ongoing commitments and time to shut down various works if a critical situation arises. If financial results are negative, take corrective action as soon as possible to avoid invading the reserve fund.

Conferences and Councils with no extended obligations need little or no reserves. The money belongs to God’s poor. We are stewards of those funds.


The Rule permits Councils at each level to assess its subsidiaries a solidarity contribution to help offset its cost of operations. This starts at the Council General International (CGI) and goes to each level beneath: National Council, Diocesan Council, District Council, and Conference. This is an obligation that each subsidiary must fulfill.

CGI assesses an annual solidarity contribution from National Councils. The National Council assesses an annual contribution from its Diocesan Councils, District Councils, and Conferences. Diocesan Councils can assess periodic contributions from its District Councils and Conferences. District Councils can assess periodic contributions from its Conferences.

The National Council makes its assessment in October of each year (the beginning of the fiscal year). It assesses to Councils and Isolated Conferences in each diocese. The Councils are expected to make the solidarity contribution. They are then expected, if they choose, to collect the appropriate portion of the contribution from their subsidiary Councils, Conferences, stores, and special works.

The members of the National Governance Committee wish you and your families a beautiful and blessed Christmas and a new year filled with the fullest measure of happiness and good health.

Registration for 2022 SVdP Midyear Meeting Now Open!

Registration for 2022 SVdP Midyear Meeting Now Open! 3100 1860 Jill Pioter

Join us the for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s 2022 Midyear Business Meeting, March 16 – 19, 2022 at the Hilton at the Ballpark in St. Louis, Missouri! The agenda is packed with education, spirituality, and informative information about the Society and helping those in need.

Highlights include: Spiritual Retreat, Committee Meetings, Regional Meetings, and our Midyear Business Meeting. We look forward to seeing you in St. Louis!

Registration Information

  • Registration Fee: $300 per person thru March 1
  • Late Registration Fee: $325 after March 1
  • One Day Attendance (Regional, Formation, Stores, etc.): $150 per person, per day
  • Spouse/Guest Attendee: $150 per person (includes meals & social functions)
  • Register Now

Hotel Information

Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark

The Hilton Ballpark room rate for Midyear is $147.00. Room rate cut-off date is February 21, 2022.

Reserve Now. If you need assistance, please contact Michele Schurk

Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, March 16
  • 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM          Morning Mass Available Daily at Old Cathedral (On Your Own)
  • 3:15 PM – 5:15 PM             Governance Committee Meeting
  • 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM           Afternoon Hospitality – Exhibitor Showcase
  • 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM          Registration & Exhibitor Tables Open – Grand/Archview Foyer
Thursday, March 17
  • 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM          Registration & Exhibitor Tables Open
  • 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
    • National Board of Directors Meeting
    • Stores Committee Meeting with Executive Directors
    • Formation Committee Meeting
    • Hispanic Latino Task Force
    • Housing Task Force
    • Reentry Task Force
  • 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM          Vincentian Group Lunch
  • 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM              Opening Session with President Ralph Middlecamp
  • 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM            Regional Meetings
  • 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
    • Growth & Revitalization Committee
    • Voice of the Poor Committee
    • Executive Directors Meeting
  • 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM            Welcome Reception (Cash Bar) – Grand Foyer
Friday, March 18
  • 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM           Registration & Exhibitor Tables Open – Grand/Archview Foyer
  • 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM         Spiritual Retreat – Tim Williams
  • 10:15 AM – 11:15 AM          Keynote Address – Grand Ballroom
  • 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
    • Vincentian Group Lunch
    • Youth Committee (Working Lunch)
  • 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM             National Business Meeting (Part I) – Grand Ballroom
  • 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM             Vincentian Mass & Recommitment Ceremony – Old Cathedral
  • 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM            Enjoy dinner on your own (Opportunity for Regional Dinners)
Saturday, March 19
  • 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM           National Business Meeting (Part II) – Grand Ballroom
  • 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM            Vincentian Group Lunch – Archview Ballroom
  • 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM             Vigil Mass Available at Old Cathedral (On Your Own)

Daily Mass

Daily Mass will be offered at the Old Cathedral at 7:00 AM
Additional Information

Council Operations

Council Operations 1200 628 Jill Pioter


All business should be done by process – not reaction to individual situations. Council/Board policies and management procedures form the processes. Once formed, the process should not be violated except for very serious reasons. Processes must be in writing. They can be either Council/Board policy or operational procedures.


All Council/Board agenda items are designated as either action items or information. A process is to be developed so all Council/Board members have all information on action Items well before the Council/Board meeting so all votes are based on informed opinions. There should be no action taken on any motion not fully disclosed. The only exception in Roberts Rules is a “motion to suspend the rules.” This motion only applies to the issue at hand and must be passed by a two-thirds vote. Then that matter can be brought up and acted upon. A typical time that this should be used is in the case of a serious time problem on a critical issue.


All elections are held in conformance with bylaws. The Nationally Approved Bylaws have the same authority as the Rule. As a result of the process that occurred when the National Council approved Part III of the Rule and the Nationally Approved Bylaws at the National Assembly in Chicago in 2005, every Council and Conference is expected to adopt a set of bylaws corresponding to the Nationally Approved Bylaws.

All Council elections should begin at the Conference member level. All ballots are secret. Ballots for this election are usually counted by the Spiritual Advisor and one other disinterested person. It is suggested that only the winner is announced, not how close or unanimous the vote may have been. Revealing the actual vote only creates problems no matter how close or wide the vote is.

Conference Presidents are expected to vote the way their members instructed. If a significant development occurs changing the situation, such as the withdrawal of one or more candidates, the Conference President should use his/her best judgment of how the Conference would vote and then cast the ballot. If the election is put off to another time, the Conference members should be given an opportunity to express their wishes in another secret ballot.


The Council, Council President and Board are responsible for oversight of the management of the Council. However, if the Council has a Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director, the Council, Council President and Board are NOT responsible for the actual day to day management. The Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director is responsible for the business of the Council.

Typically, a Council will not hire a Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director unless it operated one or more stores or Special Works. The business activities of the Council are handled by the Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director. The Council, President and Board are responsible for the Vincentian work of the Council.

An issue with an individual, the clergy, or a Vincentian issue with the Council or a Conference is normally handled by the appropriate members of the Council/ Board. In many parts of the country, the Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director aids the Council/Board with some of those issues. However, the following principle should be kept in mind: The primary role of paid staff in the Society is to AID Vincentians in the work they must do; it is NOT to do their work for them.


The Council/Board is the only entity that can authorize an obligation to be placed on the Council. This authority may be delegated by the Council/Board in certain cases to specific persons. No new ministries or significant additional services are undertaken without Council approval. Obtaining a grant for a special work or service that will obligate the Council to continue even if the grant is not received in the following year is unacceptable planning. The cost of a ministry is not only the space or start-up cost; it is the continuing expense to operate year after year.

In most cases, the structure of the Society is such that the Council is incorporated, has its Tax ID (EIN), is insured and is the SVdP legal entity in its area of coverage. It provides legal authority and coverage to the Conferences, stores and special works that are its subsidiaries. Therefore, it is important that all Conferences, stores and special works submit their plans for grant requests and other new activities to the Council/Board for approval. Since the Council is the legal entity, the grant or new activity becomes the responsibility of the Council.


Planning, both long and short range should be a continuing process and examined in depth at least once a year. Times for regular annual planning meetings, usually before budget time, should be established and adhered to.


In 1979, the National Council passed a resolution that essentially stated that no Council or Conference can cross into the boundaries of another Council or Conference with the intent to set up operations of some work or do fundraising without their permission. This resolution was re-enforced by Resolution 104, passed by the National Council on April 12, 2013. For example, this prevents Council A from establishing a store or special work within the Council B boundaries without Council B granting them permission. The same holds true for targeted fundraising.

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