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Jill Pioter

SVdP North Texas CEO Featured on Guadalupe Radio

SVdP North Texas CEO Featured on Guadalupe Radio 900 900 Jill Pioter

SVdP North Texas CEO Luis Gonzalez recently appeared on the Guadalupe Radio Network. He was interviewed by University of Dallas President Jonathan Sanford on The Good News program.

Luis shared with Catholic listeners many of the Society’s good works, including the power of the Home Visit, North Texas’ charitable pharmacy, and the impact of servant leadership.

Click below to listen to the full interview.

2022 Midyear Meeting Wrapup

2022 Midyear Meeting Wrapup 600 504 Jill Pioter

Last week, nearly 200 Vincentians gathered together in St. Louis for the first in-person Midyear Meeting since 2019.

It was a wonderful opportunity for the National Board of Directors, National Council Members, Executive Directors, and other Vincentian leaders to come together and share ideas after a three year hiatus.

While it was very exciting to have so many Vincentians in one place, we realize there were still those who were unable to join in-person. In order to give those not in attendance the chance to see the various presentations from the Midyear Meeting, we have created a playlist of the video recordings from the meeting. You can access them by clicking here. You will find recordings of the following:

We thank all who attended Midyear or took part via zoom. We look forward to seeing you all in Baltimore for the 2022 National Assembly!

Questions and Answers 3-24-2022

Questions and Answers 3-24-2022 1200 628 Jill Pioter

Q: Is it necessary for the Treasurer to keep hard copy statements if banks now have electronic records available and easily accessible? Is it necessary to store electronic copies of these statements? 

A: It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to reconcile all bank statements.  That can be done with a hard copy of the statement or with an electronic copy.  The Treasurer should keep copies of the statements, either hard copy or electronic, for the seven years and then destroy them as specified in the Manual.  These files must be transferred to each new Treasurer who takes office.

Q: The Treasurer’s Manual recommends that we keep copies of donor checks. If our bank stores electronic copies of checks that are deposited to the account, are hard copies necessary? We have a Conference concerned about having the donor’s banking info and keeping that information confidential – is that a valid concern? 

A: So long as checks and deposits are accessible through the bank, there is no need to keep them.  The confidentiality issue is not a concern if the Treasurer is following proper precautions.  It is the Treasurer’s responsibility to ensure proper security of Conference financials.

Spanish Translation

P: ¿Es necesario que el Tesorero mantenga copias impresas de los estados de cuenta si los bancos ahora tienen registros electrónicos disponibles y de fácil acceso? ¿Es necesario almacenar copias electrónicas de estas declaraciones? 

R: Es responsabilidad del Tesorero conciliar todos los estados de cuenta bancarios. Eso se puede hacer con una copia impresa de la declaración o con una copia electrónica. El Tesorero debe guardar copias de las declaraciones, ya sea en papel o electrónicas, durante los siete años y luego destruirlas como se especifica en el Manual. Estos archivos deberán ser trasladados a cada nuevo Tesorero que asuma el cargo.

P: El Manual del Tesorero recomienda que mantengamos copias de los cheques de los donantes. Si nuestro banco almacena copias electrónicas de los cheques que se depositan en la cuenta, ¿son necesarias las copias impresas? Tenemos una Conferencia preocupada por tener la información bancaria del donante y mantener esa información confidencial. ¿Es esa una preocupación válida? 

R: Siempre que se pueda acceder a los cheques y depósitos a través del banco, no hay necesidad de conservarlos. El tema de la confidencialidad no es una preocupación si el Tesorero sigue las precauciones adecuadas. Es responsabilidad del Tesorero garantizar la seguridad adecuada de las finanzas de la Conferencia.

Looking For A New Conference Or Council President? Make It Easy For Them To Become One

Looking For A New Conference Or Council President? Make It Easy For Them To Become One 1200 628 Jill Pioter

Many people hesitate to pursue leadership positions in a Conference or Council because they feel there is too much they don’t know or understand. Shatter the notion that being a Conference/Council president is overwhelming by consolidating pertinent materials into a well-organized packet or binder. We suggest you include the following:


  • A current roster of members
  • Minutes from previous meetings
  • Financial records, along with a current balance sheet and a list of anticipated expenses
  • A brief history of your Conference
  • Information on the founders and patrons of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul


  • An annual calendar of your Conference’s typical activities (include contact information for key people for each event)
  • A schedule of tasks you usually do each month to support the Conference

Contact Information

  • Members
  • Other Conference/Council presidents in your area
  • Diocesan Council president, regional vice president and National Office (perhaps include examples of situations when you might expect to contact or hear from these contacts)
  • A list of partners you work with in your area/city with their contact information
  • If relevant, local Council and staff contacts


  • How your Conference/Council operates within your parish/diocese (e.g., how often you meet with the pastor, what kinds of communications are preferred, which parish staff members interact with your Conference)
  • How your Conference functions (regarding home visits, food drives, etc.)
  • A list of roles in your Conference and their responsibilities (officers, home visit coordinator, committee chairs, etc.)
  • Your own personal notes and suggestions about where your Conference/Council is poised to head next
  • Instruction sheet for how to use the National Database (Members Portal)
  • Instruction sheet for how to fill out the Annual Report
  • Information about the next regional and national meetings

Resource List

  • The Rule, Manual, copy of Conference/Council bylaws, information on Ozanam Orientation, Serving in Hope, Servant Leadership and Vincentian Spirituality (including spiritual reflections and prayer cards), material you have on how to run an effective meeting and any other reference resources that would be helpful

Take the fear of the unknown out of the equation for a potential leader.  Make sure your Conference knows about this Conference President binder.  Sit down with potential successors and talk through it with them.  Then watch to see how many more people might be able to envision themselves doing what you never thought you could do either.

National Safeguarding Policy Help

National Safeguarding Policy Help 900 900 Jill Pioter

New Safeguarding Policy Assistance for SVdP Councils

A national policy on Safeguarding was adopted by the National Council last August at its Houston meeting. The Safeguarding Task Force has produced a Policy Assistance paper to help Councils (and as needed, Conferences) develop their own Safeguarding policy, a recognized priority of the National Council. The document includes new sections of decisions, activities, and resources for local use included within the relevant policy paragraphs. This new material is in bold and italicized type.

To review the document, click here.

A webinar to review this resources document will be scheduled for late April; watch the e-Gazette for day and time. Meanwhile, if you have questions about the document, please contact Task Force chair Guadalupe E. Sosa.

Lenten Reflection As We Explore the Plight of Our Neighbors Who Are Unhoused

Lenten Reflection As We Explore the Plight of Our Neighbors Who Are Unhoused 900 900 Jill Pioter

Our faith teaches that safe and adequate shelter is a human right and foundational to honoring the human dignity we all have as ‘imago dei’; the Catholic bishops of the United States made this point as plainly as they could in titling their seminal letter on the issue, The Right to a Decent Home.

The amount of people living without safe housing in America is a scandal. According to the most recent data, in 2020 over 580,000 people in America were unhoused. This marked the third straight year of increases, and does not account for the pandemic (homelessness data is based on a set point in time count that occurs in January).

The Voice of the Poor Committee and the Formation Committee will lead a Lenten Reflection Series exploring the human, moral, and social effects of homelessness in America. The series will also lift up some of the inspiring work being done by Vincentians throughout the country. A tremendous amount of work is being done by Vincentians in collaboration with other organizations to serve our brothers and sisters struggling to find safe and secure shelter:

The long-term effects of the pandemic on housing and homelessness are yet to be understood. What is certain, however, is that Vincentians will be ready to serve. Join us as we pray, learn, grow, support, and inspire each other to continue this ministry.

Succession Planning Requires Preparation And Training

Succession Planning Requires Preparation And Training 1200 628 Jill Pioter

What does succession planning really mean within the Society of St. Vincent de Paul?  Essentially it refers to Conferences and Councils being prepared when a president’s term of office nears its end to present to membership Vincentians who are qualified and willing to take on the role of Conference or Council president.  Realistically, succession planning relates to all officer positions, as well as committee chairs, etc.  Achieving this goal requires preparation and training.  To be more specific, it requires three parts preparation and three parts training.

  1. Preparation Part 1:  Conference members should be exposed to regular reinforcement of the idea of growing into some role in Conference and/or Council leadership.  This is something each member should be encouraged to consider from the day he/she joins the Society.
  2. Training Part 1:  The Ozanam Orientation is the basic formation/training that all Vincentians need to experience.  The National Council recommends that all members attend an Ozanam Orientation at least once and suggests attending again every few years as a refresher.  It is also recommended that all members read the document “Who Me?  Why in the World Should I Become a Vincentian Leader?”  (Click here)
  3. Preparation Part 2:  This should begin when the newly elected president takes office.  He/she should identify a few members of the Conference or Council with leadership potential and begin encouraging/coaching them so they will be ready and willing to serve when the time comes.  One year before the next election the need for a new president and officers, as well as the election process, should be promoted.
  4. Training Part 2:  Throughout the term of the president, he/she should be coaching those selected for leadership roles.  The greatest encouragement (or discouragement) comes from the personal example shown by the current president and officers.  How they view and perform their roles will help determine what others will think about serving in those positions.
  5. Preparation Part 3:  The election of a president should be held at least six months before his/her term begins.  This gives time for the newly elected president and appointed officers to shadow the current officers and be prepared to take on their new roles on October 1.
  6. Training Part 3:  Before the new president and officers take office and soon afterwards, they should take advantage of the training programs and resources available to help them understand their roles.  There are many resources in this area that can be found on the National Council website such as Conference President Training, Servant Leadership Workshop and others.

Succession planning is not difficult but it does require effort.  Putting it off is easy but not wise.  You do not want to come to election time and only have one candidate – the one who steps in because no one else will and who may not be the right person for the job.

3-10-2022 Questions and Answers

3-10-2022 Questions and Answers 1200 628 Jill Pioter

Q: Our Council is considering updating our salary ranges for our management staff. Is it acceptable for us to simply call around to other SVdP’s or other organizations to find out what salary ranges are reasonable for our area?

A: Councils/Conferences should never discuss employee wages or benefits with other SVdP’s or other organizations. There are a few non-profit compensation surveys out there. We recommend using third parties to complete compensation surveys for SVdP employees.

Most employers outsource compensation surveys because of anti-trust/price-fixing laws that have serious legal and criminal risk if not handled properly. Employers are advised to seek legal advice.

The National Council HR Director has researched this issue and the full DOJ guidance to HR Professionals on anti-trust considerations in compensation planning is linked here.

These considerations apply to non-profit employers as well as private for-profit employers alike.

It may not be objectively illegal for SVdP Councils/Conferences to conduct wage surveys but can entail a lot of risks.

There is nothing to stop Councils/Conferences from conducting their own market analysis or looking around for other rates to ensure your salaries are competitive. For example, looking at public job postings or BLS data or other online sources and deciding to increase paid time off is no major issue. It’s when you start talking to other SVdP entities or interacting with them about pay that, things can get risky. Again, this can be a criminal issue rather than the usual employment law stuff that’s more financial in risk.

Spanish Translation

P: Nuestro Consejo está considerando actualizar nuestros rangos de salario para nuestro personal administrativo. ¿Es aceptable que simplemente llamemos a otros consejos SVdP u otras organizaciones para averiguar qué rangos de salario son razonables para nuestra área?

R: Los Consejos/Conferencias nunca deben discutir los salarios o beneficios de los empleados con otros grupos SVdP u otras organizaciones. Existen algunas encuestas de compensación sin fines de lucro. Recomendamos utilizar a terceros para completar las encuestas de compensación para los empleados de SVdP.

La mayoría de los empleadores subcontratan las encuestas de compensación debido a las leyes antimonopolio/fijación de precios que tienen un grave riesgo legal y penal si no se manejan adecuadamente. Se recomienda a los empleadores que busquen asesoramiento legal.

El Director de Recursos Humanos del Consejo Nacional ha investigado este tema y la guía completa del Departamento de Justicia para profesionales de recursos humanos sobre consideraciones antimonopolio en la planificación de compensaciones está vinculada aquí.

Estas consideraciones se aplican tanto a los empleadores sin fines de lucro como a los empleadores privados con fines de lucro.

Puede que no sea objetivamente ilegal que los Consejos/Conferencias del SVDP realicen encuestas de compensación, pero puede implicar muchos riesgos.

No hay nada que impida que los Consejos/Conferencias realicen su propio análisis de mercado o busquen otras tarifas para garantizar que sus salarios sean competitivos. Por ejemplo, mirar las ofertas de trabajo públicas o los datos de BLS u otras fuentes en línea y decidir aumentar el tiempo libre pagado no es un gran problema. Es cuando comienzas a hablar con otras entidades de SVdP o a interactuar con ellas sobre el pago, las cosas pueden volverse riesgosas. Una vez más, esto puede ser un problema criminal, mientras que las leyes laborales tengan riesgos que son más financiero.

Succession Planning: A Brief Primer

Succession Planning: A Brief Primer 1200 628 Jill Pioter

The National Governance Committee believes there are benefits to be gained by being a Vincentian leader. Consider these:

  • Leaders have a unique opportunity to grow in their own spirituality.
  • Leaders are in a unique position to provide help to those in need.
  • It is through leadership that our efforts are organized.
  • In order to be effective our efforts must be organized.
  • Leadership provides the opportunity for a member to learn firsthand what it means to be a Servant Leader.

An appreciation for Servant Leadership is important as is an overall understanding of the Society and its leadership. These can be gained in various ways, such as:

  • Attending Invitation for Renewal
  • Participating in an Ozanam Orientation formation program
  • Attending a Governance Training presentation
  • Discussions at new Council President or new Executive Director workshops
  • Incorporating them into the agendas for Regional or Council meetings
  • Developing outlines for use at (Arch)Diocesan and District Council meetings
  • Promotions at Regional meetings
  • Utilizing the Vincentian Pathway program
  • Utilizing SVdP’s Leadership Training Materials (Consider becoming a part of the Leadership Taskforce)
  • Considering numerous leadership courses offered through DePaul University

A part of Succession Planning should involve beginning the election process for Council and Conference presidents at a much earlier date than we’ve done in the past. This can be addressed by either amending bylaws or setting up a procedure to begin the nomination process about one year before a sitting president’s term expires and holding the election about six months before the newly elected president’s term begins.

A prayerful approach to the succession-planning process is strongly encouraged in keeping with the paramount importance of spirituality in the Society.

02-24-2022 Questions and Answers

02-24-2022 Questions and Answers 1200 628 Jill Pioter

Q: When our Conference visitors come across a neighbor in need who has put the utility bill in one of their children’s names, should we pay it? Putting the account in a child’s name may be considered fraud, but for some families this may be the only way to have electric and gas service. Do we ignore this “crime” and keep the lights and heat on? I think we should assist. Is there a good reason why the Society should not assist?

A: This is a local decision, but if the request to pay is made by the person who lives at the address aligned with the bill, it is okay to pay it.  Don’t do account verification work the utility company should have done.

Q:  Can a person be registered in one parish and belong to a SVdP Conference of another parish?

A: Yes, a person can be registered in one parish and belong to a SVdP Conference at another. The Rule does not require Vincentian members to belong to the parish in which they worship.

Spanish Translation

P: Cuando encontramos una factura de servicio públicos a nombre de un hijo de unos de nuestros vecinos con necesidades, ¿debemos pagarla? Poner la cuenta a nombre de un niño puede considerarse fraude, pero para algunas familias esta puede ser la única manera de tener servicio de electricidad y gas. ¿Ignoramos este “crimen” y mantenemos las luces y la calefacción encendidas? Creo que deberíamos ayudar. ¿Hay alguna buena razón por la que la Sociedad no deba ayudar?

R: Esta es una decisión local, pero si la solicitud de pago la hace la persona que vive en la dirección alineada con la factura, está bien pagarla. No haga el trabajo de verificación de cuenta que la empresa de servicios públicos debería haber hecho.

P: ¿Puede una persona registrada en una parroquia pertenecer a una conferencia SVDP de otra parroquia?

R: Sí, una persona puede estar registrada en una parroquia y pertenecer a una Conferencia SVdP en otra. La Regla no exige que los miembros vicencianos pertenezcan a la parroquia en la que van al culto.

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