Workforce Development
Workforce Development programs assist our neighbors in need to find and keep employment. Some are integrated into SVdP work environments while others integrate partner businesses for the employment opportunities.
The variety of workforce development programs attempt to lift our neighbors in need out of poverty or enhance their living situation.
Because every Council and Conference is different and have different resources and needs, programs are created to tackle the unique character of the area. Conferences with thrift stores or food pantries use those facilities to have their neighbors begin their career journey.
What distinguishes SVdP from other organizations is caring and recognizing the participants as Christ.
SVdP programing may include life skills, goal setting, interviewing, mentoring, coaching, computer skills, conversational skills, job skills, on the job training and performance feedback.
Conferences and councils can apply for the SVdP Systemic Change Grant to fund the creation of their workforce development programs.
Members of the National Workforce Development Shared Interest Group are here to answer your workforce and training questions. The curriculum examples are available for you to use and customize.
Workforce Shared Interest Group Members
Ron Costanzo* – California, Western Region
Seth Castleman – California, Western Region
Brian Comboy – Louisiana, South Central Region
Holly Dommer – Iowa, Midwest Region
Dick Buschmann – North Central Region
Michael Bourg – Louisiana, South Central Region* Chairman
Workforce Resources
Title Description Size Date added Download Job Preparation Workshop, Contra Costa 1.65 MB 08-09-2023 DownloadPreview Workforce Development Position Paper 442.07 KB 06-15-2023 DownloadPreview Living Well Resources 337.78 KB 08-10-2023 DownloadPreview Workforce Development Program Database 23.57 KB 08-15-2023 DownloadPreview Success Stories
Title Description Size Date added Download Mary's Story 119.19 KB 06-22-2023 DownloadPreview Remi's Story 91.78 KB 06-22-2023 DownloadPreview Angela's Story 98.67 KB 06-22-2023 DownloadPreview Ajmal's Story 97.04 KB 06-22-2023 DownloadPreview Back2Work Program
We understand that not everyone is able to volunteer. If you are interested in supporting this program and provide sustainability to those who are looking to better themselves you can donate and advocate to become a Voice of the Poor.