Conferences and Councils celebrate liturgical ceremonies, particularly Vincentian ceremonies, throughout the year, endeavoring to maintain a spirit of friendship among the members. The Council of the United States has designated six days for religious observances. On these occasions the members of Conferences and Councils demonstrate the spiritual nature of the Society by attending the Eucharist together. Our Rule designates these special days:
Ozanam Sunday
The last Sunday in April, this celebration is particular to the Society of St Vincent de Paul, commemorating the Society’s founding on April 23, Ozanam’s birth, also on April 23, and Vincent’s birth on April 24.
Immaculate Conception
Celebrated by the Society even before the promulgation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, this Feast Day also originally served as the day of the Council General’s annual meeting.
Bl. Frédéric
The Feast Day of Blessed Frédéric Ozanam is September 9. While most Feast Days occur on the anniversary of the death of a saint, Frédéric died on September 8, which is the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
St. Vincent de Paul
The Feast Day of St. Vincent de Paul, patron of the Society, is September 27.
A Conference Mass
Each Conference is encouraged to designate one day each year as their one special Conference Mass. This day might commemorate, for example, the founding of their own Conference, or the feast of their parish’s namesake.
A Feast Day of Local Custom
As members of a larger community, Conferences are encouraged to celebrate together on a feast day of special local or regional meaning, such as the feast of a saint from their area.