Formation is not just a thing we do; it isn’t a task to perform and check it off of our to-do list. Formation is a lifelong process of growth towards the holiness to which all Christians are called. We are formed as people, as Catholics, and as Vincentians, throughout our lives. Formation includes prayer, reflection, training, and more.
It is helpful to visualize our formation in four different dimensions: the human, the spiritual, the intellectual, and the ministerial. In this holistic way, we are formed through our actions in serving the poor, through our prayer, reflection, and sharing with each other, through our reading of both scripture and with the words of our Vincentian Saints and Blessed, and finally through our complete commitment to serving Christ in the poor and in each other.
The primary purpose of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is our own spiritual growth. This vocation, then, which is for all parts of our lives, is our pathway of formation.
“When I am formed. When will that day come?”
Bl. Frédéric Ozanam
“To form yourselves on what [you] must be, you must take the model from your Rules, from the conferences given to you, and from the examples you see here.”
St. Vincent de Paul
“It takes a long time to form the girls and to furnish them with what they need personally as well as with all they must know in order to serve the poor.”
St. Louise de Marillac
“It is essential that the Society continually promote the formation and training of its members and Officers, in order to deepen their knowledge of the Society and their spirituality, improve the sensitivity, quality and efficiency of their service to the poor and help them be aware of the benefits, resources and opportunities that are available for the poor. The Society also offers members higher training in order to better help to raise the cultural and social level of those who request this support.”
The Rule, Part I, 3.12
What is Formation?
Human Formation: Action & Virtues
In the Home Visit, we encounter and serve Christ. Bl. Frédéric reminds us that this is the means, not the end of our Society. Through our loving, selfless service, we seek to grow closer to Christ and to grow in holiness. It is very important to take the time, then, to reflect on this service – first, individually, and then with our Vincentian friends in our Conferences. One helpful tool for this reflection is the journal, The Spirituality of the Home Visit.
A deeper understanding of the practice of the Home Visit will strengthen our human formation.
Virtues must be lived in order to form us. Learn more about our five special Vincentian Virtues.
Spiritual Formation: Prayer & Relationships
Reflecting together and sharing our spiritual insights with each other is how we grow in holiness together. Below are some readings designed to help spark those discussions – they are meant to be shared!
What do we mean when we say “friendship” from a Vincentian perspective? How does friendship form us?
We pray together, and worship together. Here are some prayers and ceremonies for Vincentians.
Intellectual Formation: Study & Training
We are formed by gaining a better understanding of the poor whom we serve, and better ways to serve them.
“If Not Me, Then Who?” is a video series of poverty education provided by Dr. Donna Beegle especially for the Society.
Ministerial Formation: Commitment & Leadership
Part of our calling, and the heart of our Ministerial Formation is the call to servant leadership.
Tools for Formation Teams
Formators, Presenters, and Spiritual Advisors, along with Council and Conference Presidents, lead our formation teams in helping to train and form all Members and volunteers. Do you feel called to share your talents as a coach, a speaker, a teacher or Vincentian as part of a formation team?
Are you already part of a formation team, and wondering how to develop plans for your Conference or Council? This document is for you, and an explanation of how to use it is below.